Experts: Disasters Leave Lasting Psychological Scars In Their Wake.

In the New York Times (11/3) “Well” blog, Pauline W. Chen, MD, “For almost three decades now, health care experts have been studying the psychological effects of natural disasters and have found that disasters…left significant, disabling and lasting psychological scars in their wake.” Chen added, “Most commonly and most immediately, the survivors suffered post-traumatic stress symptoms like recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, a hair-trigger temper and an emotional ‘numbing,’ much of which could be considered normal in the first couple of months after a disaster.” If symptoms did not abate, “or when other mood disorders like anxiety and depression appeared, mental health issues quickly became a leading cause of disability for survivors, further hampering other efforts at recovery.”

Related Links:

— “Easing the Trauma After the Storm, “Pauline W. Chen, The New York Times, November 2, 2012.

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