Law Enforcement Powerless To Keep Guns Away From People With Severe Mental Illness.

On its front page, the New York Times (12/22, A1, Luo, McIntire, Subscription Publication) reported that a case in Connecticut “highlights a central, unresolved issue in the debate over balancing public safety and the Second Amendment right to bear arms: just how powerless law enforcement can be when it comes to keeping firearms out of the hands of people who are mentally ill.” Under Connecticut law, police have “broad leeway to seize and hold guns for up to a year” in such cases, but even “police often find themselves grappling with legal ambiguities when they encounter mentally unstable people with guns…in particular, how they should respond when the owners want them back.” The Connecticut case involves Mark Russo, who has had problems adhering to medication for paranoid schizophrenia. Police confiscated his firearms after he threatened to shoot his mother. However, Russo is due to have his guns returned to him in the spring under Connecticut law.

Related Links:

— “When the Right to Bear Arms Includes the Mentally Ill, “Michael Luo, The New York Times, December 21, 2013.

Posted in In The News.