New York Law Requires Schools To Establish Protocols To Curb Online Bullying.

The Buffalo (NY) News (7/10, Precious) reports, “While schools already can have anti-bullying bullying policies in place in their required codes of conduct, the new law further defines cyberbullying as part of a 2010 law meant to crack down on incidents of bullying in schools.” The new “law specifically defines cyberbullying as harassment taking place through any electronic means and that ‘reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or emotional harm to a student.'” The News adds, “For purposes of involvement by school districts, the incidents of cyberbullying of a student could occur on or off school grounds.”

Related Links:

— “Cuomo signs cyberbullying measure into law, “Tom Precious, Buffalo News, July 9, 2012.

Posted in In The News.