Obama Signs 21st Century Cures Act

President Obama’s signing of the 21st Century Cures Act was noted on one major network newscast, and received very favorable – though sparse – print coverage highlighting the measure’s potential to save lives and the bipartisan cooperation that brought it into being. NBC Nightly News (12/13, story 8, 1:35, Alexander), for example, remarked on the “rare moment of unity” in “a city badly polarized by politics,” in which Obama, in “what’s likely the last bill-signing of this presidency,” built “a legacy meant to last.”

The Washington Post (12/13, Eilperin, Johnson) reports the bill “had wide bipartisan support and has been held up as an example of what Congress can accomplish by working together.” It contained “several provisions that the White House has championed, including $1 billion for opioid abuse prevention and $4.8 billion for biomedical research funding.” It was “an emotional bill signing ceremony,” says USA Today (12/13, Korte), for a bill that was “a personal project for” Vice President Biden, who was in attendance and delivered remarks, as “the section of the bill allocating $1.8 billion in cancer research funding was named for his son, Beau, whose death from brain cancer in 2015 inspired what the White House called its ‘Cancer Moonshot.’”

Related Links:

— “Obama, paying tribute to Biden and bipartisanship, signs 21st Century Cures Act Tuesday,”Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post, December 13, 2016.

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