Psychiatrists Call For Maryland Passage Of AOT Law.

In an opinion piece in the Baltimore Sun (12/29), psychiatrist John J. Boronow, MD, of the Sheppard Pratt Health System, and psychiatrist Steven S. Sharfstein, MD, president and CEO of the Sheppard Pratt Health System, called for passage in Maryland of an “‘assisted outpatient treatment’ (AOT) law, also called Outpatient Civil Commitment.” According to the two psychiatrists, “many AOT programs in other states have been the subject of studies – most exhaustively in North Carolina and New York – and have been shown to reduce hospitalization, homelessness, incarceration and, not the least, the costs of care for individuals with major mental illness.”

Related Links:

— “Close the mental health revolving door [Commentary], “John J. Boronow, The Baltimore Sun, December 29, 2013.

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