Since Newtown, Many States Have Updated Mental Health Laws.

Chris Cillizza, in a piece for the Washington Post (12/15) “The Fix” blog offered a video segment reporting that gun laws have been largely unchanged in the year since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, but 36 states have increased the money available for mental healthcare. Texas, South Carolina, and Colorado are among the states that have increased funding, with Colorado’s 13.5 percent increase in funding this year particularly noteworthy because of the mass shootings that have occurred there. The state budgeted $20 million to improve crisis centers. Texas, traditionally a low-budget state for mental healthcare, made its largest budget increase to date, with most of the money designed to go to teachers for training “in spotting the early signs of mental illness.”

Related Links:

— “The post-Newtown change you haven’t heard about, “Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post, December 14, 2013.

Posted in In The News.