Small Studies: Small Subset Of Kids May Overcome Autism

In a 7,300-word piece to appear this weekend, the New York Times (8/3, MM20, Padawer, Subscription Publication) Sunday Magazine features the stories of three children diagnosed with autism who appear to have overcome the condition. Recently, two studies were released that provide “the best evidence yet that…a small but reliable subset of children really do overcome autism.”

The first study confirmed that 34 people with documented diagnoses of autism “now no longer met autism’s criteria, a trajectory…called ‘optimal outcome.’” Several months ago, another “study that tracked 85 children from their autism diagnosis (at age two) for nearly two decades…found that about nine percent of them no longer met the criteria for the disorder.”

Related Links:

— “The Kids Who Beat Autism,” Ruth Padawer, New York Times, July 31, 2014.

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