Studies Point To Strong Link Between Head Injuries, Psychiatric Disorders

The Washington Post (12/6, Maese) reported that “science increasingly points to a strong link between head injuries and psychiatric and mood disorders.” For example, in one study involving 70 youngsters ranging in age from five to 14 who were tracked after having had a concussion, researchers found that “in the first six months, 36 percent…experienced a new onset of psychiatric disorders,” with 10 percent experiencing a “full depressive disorder.”

Another study published earlier this year in the Journal of Adolescent Health revealed that “repeatedly concussed teens to be three times more likely to develop depression.” That study examined health information from some 36,000 teens.

Related Links:

— “Concussions and depression: Questions renewed over whether there’s a link,” Rick Maese, Washington Post, December 6, 2014.

Posted in In The News.