Study Finds Elderly People On Mediterranean Diet Experience Less Brain Shrinkage

The Los Angeles Times (1/4, Healy) reports that new research shows that “brain shrinkage” is “less pronounced” in older people whose diets “hew closely to the traditional diet of Mediterranean peoples,” which consists of “lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and olive oil, little red meat and poultry, and regular, moderate consumption of fish and red wine.” Findings from this study and other similar ones “have established that following a Mediterranean diet is effective at driving down heart attack, stroke and premature death risks, and improving the health conditions…that raise those risks,” but researchers “are less sure of the particulars of how the diet promotes better health.”

Related Links:

— “Less shrinkage: This is your aging brain on the Mediterranean diet,”Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times, January 4, 2017.

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