Study Indicates Working From Home Reduces Stress.

The New York Times (8/24, BU4, Korkki, Subscription Publication) reports that a new study in The American Sociological Review “aimed to see whether the stress of work-life conflicts could be eased if employees had more control over their schedules, including being able to work from home,” finding that “compared with another group that did not have the same flexibility, employees interviewed by the researchers said they felt happier and less stressed, had more energy and were using their time more effectively.”

Study author Erin Kelley “emphasized that for programs like these to be successful, they must be applied department wide and have the full support of managers.” The study was “financed by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Related Links:

— “Yes, Flexible Hours Ease Stress. But Is Everyone on Board?,” Phyllis Korkki, New York Times, August 23, 2014.

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