Study Suggests Differences In How The Brain Processes Emotional, Physical Pain

The Colorado Daily (11/18, Brennan) reported that a University of Colorado study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering suggests that “physical pain and social pain are processed by distinct neural circuits, which could help direct scientists and clinicians toward prevention and treatment options that work best for emotional suffering.” While “neuroscientists in the past decade had largely come to think that physical and social pain are processed by the brain in the same way.” Now, “a new study led by CU graduate student Choong-Wan Woo shows the two types of pain actually use separate neural circuits.”

Related Links:

— “CU-Boulder study shows differences in brain’s processing of emotional, physical pain,” Charlie Brennan, The Colorado Daily, November , 2014.

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