Suicide Crisis Among Young People Unfolding On South Dakota Reservation

In a nearly 1,400-word story, the New York Times (5/4, A1, Bosman, Subscription Publication) reports on its front page on “an unfolding crisis” of suicides taking place among young people on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Since December, “nine people between the ages of 12 and 24 have committed suicide.” In addition, “at least 103 attempts by people ages 12 to 24 occurred from December to March, according to the federal Indian Health Service.” The Times points out that “tribe officials, clergy members and social workers say they cannot remember such a high rate of suicides and attempts in such a short period on the reservation.” In a statement, Ron Cornelius, the Great Plains director of the IHS, said this agency “is committed to working with the tribe to address this heartbreaking problem.”

Related Links:

— “Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Struggles With Suicides Among Its Young,” Julie Bosman, New York Times, May 1, 2015.

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