Teen Victims Of Bullying May Be More Likely To Report Poor Psychological Functioning And Desire Cosmetic Surgery, Researchers Say

Healio (6/2, Volansky) reported that teen “victims of bullying were more likely to report poor psychological function and desire cosmetic surgery,” researchers found in a two-stage study that included “2,782 adolescents aged 11 to 16 years who underwent screening to determine if bullying had occurred” and an additional “752 adolescents, including bullies, victims, bully-victims, and those uninvolved one way or the other.” The findings were published in the May issue of the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Related Links:

— “Bullying may lead to poor psychological function, desire for cosmetic surgery,”Rob Volansky, Healio, June 2, 2017.

Being A Victim Of Police Violence May Be Associated With Increased Risk For Suicide Attempts, Study Indicates

Reuters (6/2, Crist) reported, “Being a victim of police violence is tied to a fourfold higher risk of suicide attempts for those who reported physical assault and a greater than tenfold higher risk for those who reported assault with a weapon or sexual victimization,” researchers found after surveying some “1,615 adults in four US cities – Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC – who were selected to be representative of the general population.” The findings were published online May 22 in the Journal of Urban Health.

Related Links:

— “Police violence linked to increased risk of suicide attempt,” Carolyn Crist, Reuters, June 02, 2017.

Rural Counties Struggle To Address Coming Wave Of Cognitive Decline Among Older Residents

In a nearly 4,500-word article, Newsweek (6/1, Wapner) reports that “rural America is being hit particularly hard” by dementia and Alzheimer’s. As younger people move away, residents left behind as experiencing a rise in dementia as the population ages. Unfortunately, “these counties do not have the money, the professionals or the services to address the coming tidal wave of cognitive decline.” New York state, however, “has dedicated $62.5 million over five years to support caregivers.” New York is not alone. Several “state-funded programs have cropped up across the country, particularly in rural states, such as North Dakota, Minnesota and North Carolina.” Such “initiatives could save billions of dollars,” while making “life bearable again for” caregivers.

Related Links:


WPost Explores Burden Of Dementia In African-American Communities

In a greater than 4,000-word article, Washington Post Magazine (6/1, Golden) reports “older African Americans develop Alzheimer’s at a higher rate than any other group of older Americans,” and “are about twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to develop the disease or other forms of dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.” The Post explores the burden of dementia on African-Americans and also discusses the need for more research on the topic, especially because currently African-Americans are underrepresented in clinical trials concerning Alzheimer’s disease. The article mentions that President Trump has proposed reducing funding for the National Institutes of Health, and that the NIH is funding research on Alzheimer’s disease including trials that have African-American participants.

Related Links:

— “African Americans are more likely than whites to develop Alzheimer’s. Why?,”Marita Golden, The Washington Post, June 01, 2017.

Damage To Microvascular System May Be Tied To An Increased Risk Of Depression Among Adults Age 40 And Older, Study Indicates

Reuters (6/1, Seaman) reports, “Damage to the microvascular system – often caused by high blood pressure or diabetes, and made worse by smoking – is tied to an increased risk of depression among people age 40 years and older,” investigators found after examining “data on 43,600 individuals, including 9,203 with depression.” The findings were published online May 31 in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Tiny blood vessel damage tied to depression among older adults,” Andrew M. Seaman, Reuters, June 01, 2017.

Some Members Of Congress And Some States Trying To Increase Medicaid Reimbursements For Behavioral Health And Substance Abuse Treatment

Modern Healthcare (5/31, Dickson, Subscription Publication) reports some members of Congress and some states are trying to “end some limits on Medicaid reimbursements for behavioral health and substance abuse treatment in the face of the nationwide opioid addiction crisis.” The article points out that a bipartisan group of Senators introduced a bill in May that would ease restrictions on such reimbursements, and some states have also been authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services “to lift these restrictions for their Medicaid programs.”

Related Links:

— “Feds, states seek to end Medicaid’s limits on substance abuse care,”Virgil Dickson, Modern Healthcare, May 31, 2017.

Suicide-Related Hospitalizations Of Young People Increasing, Study Suggests

The Cincinnati (OH) Enquirer (5/30, Korte) reports a study on suicide-related hospitalizations of teenagers and children found the number of patients between the ages of five and 17 admitted “for such thoughts or actions more than doubled from 2008 to 2015.” In arriving at the study’s findings, researchers examined “data from 32 hospitals contained in the Pediatric Health Information System.” The findings were presented recently at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.

Related Links:

— “Youth suicide rates are rising. School and the Internet may be to blame.,”Lara Korte, , , May 30, 2017.

Suicide Risk Markedly Elevated After Psychiatric Hospital Discharge, Review Suggests

HealthDay (5/31, Preidt) reports a new systematic review and meta-analysis “confirms that psychiatric patients are at high risk for suicide immediately after being discharged from a mental health care facility, and that risk can remain high for years,” researchers found after examining “data from 100 studies conducted over more than 50 years” involving some “18,000 suicides involving patients discharged from psychiatric facilities.” The findings were published online May 31 in JAMA Psychiatry.

According to MedPage Today (5/31, Bachert), the author of “an accompanying editorial…wrote that the findings confirmed that suicide risk is markedly elevated after psychiatric hospital discharge, ‘despite advances in mental health treatments.’”

Related Links:

— “Suicide Risk Is High for Psychiatric Patients Long After Discharge From Care,” Robert Preidt, HealthDay, May 31, 2017.

Depression In Many Children May Start As Early As Age 11, Data Indicate

The Washington Post (5/31, Cha) reports that “depression in many children appears to start as early as age 11,” research indicated. What’s more, “by the time they hit age 17, the analysis found, 13.6 percent of boys and a staggering 36.1 percent of girls have been or are depressed,” investigators found after examining “data compiled from in-person interviews with more than 100,000 children who participated in the National Survey of Drug Use and Health from 2009 to 2014.” The findings were published online May 30 in Translational Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “ More than a third of teenage girls experience depression, new study says,”Ariana Eunjung Cha, The Washington Post, May 31, 2017.