School Shootings Changing Attitudes Towards Mental Health Among Law Enforcement Community

The AP (4/17, Banda, Collins) reports on “the effects of trauma and turmoil experienced by law enforcement authorities who respond to school shootings.” Previously, many officers viewed “seeking psychiatric help as a sign of weakness – particularly in elite units like SWAT” – and saw “their own mental health as secondary when civilians suffer grave loss.” However, “attitudes are starting to change. A group of global law enforcement administrators recently began work on a set of uniform guidelines for psychological care for SWAT teams and other officers who respond to the worst of the worst carnage.” In addition, several state legislatures recently passed “laws to extend workers’ compensation for mental health to police and other first responders.”

Related Links:

— “School shootings draw attention to officers’ mental health, “Solomon Banda, AP, April 17, 2019

Posted in In The News.