Forbes (7/22, Disalvo) reports that “one of the main findings from a group of recent studies” is that “a significant part of the drug crisis can be traced back to our homes, where prescription drugs are found and misused by other family members and friends, often adolescents and older teens.” One study published in Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and a second study published in the same journal, indicate that “about 11% of high school seniors reported misusing a prescription med in the last year,” and “of that group, nearly half said they had multiple sources for the drugs, including family members, friends with prescriptions, and other sources that lead back to prescription drugs in the home.” Further, “about 30% of adolescents misusing prescription drugs took leftover meds still in the medicine cabinet.”
Related Links:
— “Prescription Drugs In The Home Are Fueling The Addiction Crisis Among Kids And Teens, Warns New Research, “David DiSalvo, Forbes, July 22, 2019