People With Eating Disorders May Be More Likely To Attempt Suicide, Studies Indicate

HealthDay (10/8, Reinberg) reports, “Eating disorders…may trigger suicide attempts, three new studies” indicate. In the first study, which included “data on more than 36,000 adults,” investigators “found that only half of those with eating disorders seek help, that some are less likely than others to seek help, and that people with eating disorders are five to six times more likely to try suicide.” The findings were published in the August issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. A second study, published online June 25 “in the journal BMC Medicine…found that adults with eating disorders have” a “five- to sixfold higher risk of suicide attempts, compared with people without eating disorders.” The third study, which involved “207 people with binge-eating disorder,” revealed that “more than half of the participants placed a high value on their weight or body shape.” The findings were published online July 2 in the journal Obesity.

Related Links:

— “Eating Disorders Linked to Suicide Risk, “Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, October 8, 2019

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