The Washington Post (3/17, Achenbach) reports that many people are feeling grief amid the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Joshua Morganstein, the chair of APA’s Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disasters, said, “Right now people are feeling grief over the loss of routines, certainty, and a perception of themselves as being generally healthy and protected.” Dr. Morganstein and other “experts say there are steps people can take…to ease some of that anxiety and give a person a better sense of being in control of this chaotic situation. Some of the advice comes from research on natural disasters, mass shootings, terrorist attacks and other traumas.” For example, Dr. Morganstein said, “Things like getting good sleep, eating regularly, staying hydrated, exercising. When we take care of our body, with good sleep in particular, but certainly food and water, our ability to think clearly, our ability to solve problems, our ability to manage our emotions, are all optimized.”
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