During the pandemic, are the little kids all right? Survey shows COVID is taking a toll now and will in the future.

USA Today (8/19, Dastagir) reports, “During the pandemic, people are talking a lot about children.” However, “what has received far less attention, child development experts say, is the impact the pandemic is having on the youngest children: babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners.” Research shows that “birth to age five is a critical time for child development…and new data from the Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development Early Childhood Household Survey Project (RAPID-EC Project) shows caregiver distress is cascading down to young children in ways science shows can be toxic in the short- and long-term.”

Related Links:

— “During the pandemic, are the little kids all right? Survey shows COVID is taking a toll now and will in the future., “Alia E. Dastagir, USA TODAY, August 19, 2020

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