Modern Healthcare (10/19, Bannow, Subscription Publication) reports “all of the health systems that responded to a recent” Kaufman Hall survey “expect it will be at least 2022 before their operations return to anything resembling a pre-pandemic ‘normal.’” The survey, conducted in August, “included 64 mostly hospital and health system respondents,” of which, “nearly three-quarters of respondents said they were moderately or extremely concerned about the financial viability of their organizations in the absence of an effective COVID-19 vaccine or treatment.” One-third “said they experienced year-over-year operating margin declines in excess of 100% between the second quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2020.”
Related Links:
— “Pre-pandemic ‘normal’ not expected until 2022, hospital execs say “Tara Bannow, Modern healthcare, October 19, 2020