Congress Passes Bipartisan Bill Based On APA’s Model Legislation For Improving Compliance With Federal Mental Health Parity Law

According to Psychiatric News (12/22), on Dec. 21, Congress “passed the Strengthening Behavioral Health Parity Act (HR 7539), a bipartisan bill based on APA’s model legislation for improving compliance with the federal mental health parity law.” The measure “was passed as part of a year-end funding package that combined annual appropriations legislation for federal agencies and a $900 billion COVID-relief package.” It is anticipated that President Trump will sign the proposed legislation into law “later this week.” Commenting on the bill, APA CEO and Medical Director Saul Levin, MD, MPA, said, “This act is a good example of how Congress can work in a bipartisan manner to keep Americans’ mental health needs on their radars and invest in programs that help us navigate the pandemic.”

Related Links:

— “Congress Passes Legislative Package Including APA Model Parity Enforcement Bill, Psychiatric News, December 22, 2020

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