Death, Injuries, Abuse, Mental Health Disorders Among Harms Faced By Children Whose Parents Are Heavy Drinkers, Scoping Review Suggests

HealthDay (8/12, Preidt) reports research indicates that “death, injuries, abuse and mental health disorders are among the many harms faced by children whose parents are heavy drinkers.” Investigators arrived at this conclusion after reviewing “91 studies of hospital and other centralized records to provide a more accurate assessment of how a family member’s drinking can affect children.” The scoping review “identified several consequences among kids whose parents drank heavily – including death during infancy or childhood, mental health disorders and criminal convictions later in life.” In addition, these youngsters “more likely to do poorly in school, to suffer abuse and/or neglect, to wind up in foster care and be hospitalized for physical illness and injury.” The findings were published online in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

Related Links:

— “Kids of Heavy Drinkers Face Multiple Threats to Health “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, August 12, 2021

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