Letter: Psychiatrist Highlights APA Guidelines On Use Of Antipsychotics In Patients With Dementia

In a letter to the New York Times (9/16), University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine professor emeritus and psychiatrist Victor Reus says he “was disappointed” with a Times article highlighting potentially dangerous use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes because it failed to mention “the fact that psychiatry as a profession has recognized this issue and directly addressed it in an American Psychiatric Association treatment guideline that was formulated by an expert team that I chaired in 2015-16.” Reus concludes, “It is important to identify and critique practices such as those described, but it is also important to remind clinicians and caregivers that formal professional standards exist and should be adopted.”

Related Links:

— “The Use of Antipsychotic Drugs in Nursing Homes, The New York Times, September 16, 2021

Posted in In The News.