Nearly half of U.S. adults gained weight during first year of pandemic, study suggests

HealthDay (1/19, Preidt) reports that “nearly half of U.S. adults” gained weight “during the first year of the pandemic, making a national obesity crisis even worse,” according to a study published in Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. Investigators “surveyed more than 3,400 adults and found that 48% said they gained weight during the first 12 months of the pandemic.” Furthermore, the investigators “found that people were more likely to have gained weight if they were overweight before the pandemic…, had children at home…, had depression or anxiety…, or checked body weight within the last six months.”

Related Links:

— “Nearly Half of Americans Gained Weight in Pandemic’s First Year “Robert Preidt, HealthDay , January 19, 2022

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