Firearm Injury Survivors Often Experience Recurrent Firearm Injuries, Study Indicates

According to CNN (8/28, McPhillips, Christensen), researchers have found that “recurring gun injuries” are not uncommon. “About one of every 14 gunshot victims will be harmed by a firearm again within a year, according to” findings published online in the Annals of Internal Medicine. “Within five years, that risk rises to about one in eight, and it jumps to about one in six after eight years,” the study revealed.

Healio (8/28, Rhoades) reports, “Firearm injury survivors often experienced recurrent firearm injuries, particularly those who were young, uninsured, male and Black,” researchers concluded in an analysis that “included data from the St. Louis Region-Wide Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program…repository on 10,293 adult and pediatric patients who presented with a firearm injury to a St. Louis level 1 trauma hospital from 2010 to 2019.” Of those patients, “9,553 survived the injury,” and “1,155 patients suffered a recurrent firearm injury.”

Related Links:

— “Shooting survivors have ‘distressingly high’ risk of repeat firearm injury, study finds, especially young Black males,”Deidre McPhillips and Jen Christensen, CNN, August 28, 2023

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