Percentage Of Overdose Deaths In The US Involving Counterfeit Pills More Than Doubled Between Late 2019 And Late 2021, Research Suggests

Psychiatric News (9/1) reported, “The percentage of overdose deaths involving counterfeit” medications “in the United States more than doubled between late 2019 and late 2021, according to findings (8/31)” published online Sept. 1 in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. The study team came to this conclusion after calculating “quarterly percentages of overdose deaths with evidence of counterfeit pill use from July 2019 to December 2021 based on information provided by officials from 29 states and the District of Columbia,” then “also examined information about the demographics of the people who died by overdose, the circumstances of the death, and the” counterfeit pills involved.

Related Links:

— “Counterfeit Pills Increasingly Involved in U.S. Overdose Deaths, Psychiatric News, September 1, 2023

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