New Website Helps Caregivers Use DICE Methodology To Handle Aggressive Behaviors In People With Dementia

KFF Health News (5/28, Graham) reports, “Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them.” Now, however, “help is available from a first-of-its-kind website created by prominent experts in this field.” The site “offers free training in a comprehensive approach to managing neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia – a method known as DICE – based on several decades of scientific research as well as extensive clinical practice.”

Related Links:

— “New Help for Dealing With Aggression in People With Dementia,”Judith Graham , KFF Health News, May 28, 2024

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