Physicians Who Screen Positive For Depressive Symptoms During Intern Year More Likely To Screen Positive Up To 10 Years Later, Study Finds

Psychiatric News (6/25) reports, “Physicians who screen positive for depressive symptoms as interns are more likely to screen positive up to 10 years later than their peers who did not, a study in JAMA Network Open has found.” In the study, “overall, 35.2% of participants had elevated PHQ-9 scores on at least one quarterly survey during their intern year. A greater proportion of participants in this group had elevated scores at their annual follow-ups than those who did not have elevated scores as interns, as follows: 21.9% vs 6.6% at year 1; 8.8% vs 2.4% at year 5; 8.9% vs 3.7% at year 8.”

Related Links:

— “Depressive Symptoms During Intern Year Found To Persist Through Residency and Beyond, Psychiatric News, June 25, 2024

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