First-Line Antidepressants May Help Lower Risk Of Falls, Fall-Related Injuries In Older Patients With Depression, Study Shows

Psychiatric News (8/26) reports, “First-line antidepressants may help lower the risk of falls and fall-related injuries in older patients with depression, according to a study.” After examining “claims data amassed from 101,953 Medicare beneficiaries age 65 or older who received a diagnosis of depression in 2017 or 2018,” investigators also observed that adults “receiving psychotherapy did not demonstrate any increased or decreased risk of falls or related injuries” when compared with “adults receiving no treatment.” The findingswere published in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “First-Line Antidepressants Linked to Lower Fall Risk in Older Patients With Depression, Psychiatric News , August 26, 2024

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