In the US News & World Report (3/1) “Policy Dose” blog, psychiatrist Lloyd Sederer, MD, chief medical officer of the New York State Office of Mental Health, writes, “An estimated 8.4 million people in the US care for a loved one with a mental illness.” The National Alliance for Caregiving just issued a report called “On Pins and Needles: Caregivers of Adults With Mental Illness.” Although “the report did not monetize the value of these caregivers’ service, even a low estimate, say $20,000 per year, multiplies to $168 billion annually in caregiver service value, not including financial support and the incalculable other resources and benefits provided (like a place to live and food to eat).” Put another way, “not only are these caregivers at the heart of our service system for people with chronic mental disorders, they may be its greatest source of financial subsidy.”
Related Links:
— “Take Care of Caregivers,” Lloyd Sederer, US News & World Report, March 1, 2016.