APA Releases Statement Denouncing Police Killing Of Sonya Massey

Psychiatric News (7/31) reports, “In a statement issued [Wednesday], APA denounced the July 7 police shooting of Sonya Massey by former sheriff’s deputy Sean Grayson in Springfield, Illinois, calling it ‘a disturbing and horrifying tragedy that should never have happened.’” The association “said that when visiting the home of anyone reported to have mental illness or substance use disorders, law enforcement should be prepared to respond with care and empathy, not violence and harm.” APA urged “law enforcement organizations to ensure that they prepare their workforce with both training in dealing with mental health issues and anti-bias training,” saying “the injustice of Ms. Massey’s killing lays bare the ways in which racial inequities can play out in our communities.”

Related Links:

— “APA Denounces Police Killing of Sonya Massey, Psychiatric News, July 31, 2024

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