Brief Mindfulness Intervention May Reduce Stress Among Healthcare Professionals, Small Study Indicates

Healio (8/25, Gramigna) reports, “A brief mindfulness intervention appeared to reduce stress among health care professionals,” investigators concluded in a small randomized study that “sought to assess the feasibility and efficacy of an abbreviated mindfulness-based self-care program (MBSC) for stress reduction during work hours among health care professionals at a single research hospital.” The study revealed that participants in “the MBSC group exhibited reduced stress levels and anxiety, as well as improved positive affect, state mindfulness and mindful self-care at the end of the intervention.” What’s more, “through follow-up, the MBSC group exhibited sustained reductions in stress, anxiety, trait mindfulness and state mindfulness.” The findings were published online in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Brief mindfulness intervention reduces stress among health care professionals, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, August 25, 2020

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