Caregivers For People With Dementia Have Higher Levels Of Stress, Depression Than Other Caregivers, Research Suggests

According to TIME (10/25, Ducharme), “research suggests that dementia caregivers have higher levels of stress and depression than other types of caregivers.” That is probably due to “the progressive nature of Alzheimer’s, which eventually requires virtually around-the-clock care, says Elena Fazio, a health scientist administrator at the National Institute on Aging.” Fazio said, “There’s not an opportunity for respite.” She added, “‘[People with Alzheimer’s] have a host of behavioral symptoms’ – like wandering and mood swings – ‘that make it more complicated.’” Concern “for a loved one’s mental and physical safety, plus the isolating nature of the disease, increases the risk for stress, depression and anxiety, Fazio says.” TIME adds, “The National Institutes of Health is” now “studying how skills and stress-management training, along with social support, reduces depression and improves caregivers’ mental health.”

Related Links:

— “The Hidden Reasons Why Alzheimer’s Caregivers Are So Stressed, “Jamie Ducharme, Time, October 25, 2018.

Posted in In The News.