Honorary Director Dr. Eugene Brody Passes

Eugene B Brody, M.D., honorary director of the Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry, passed away on Saturday, March 13, 2010. As noted in the Baltimore Sun, Dr. Brody was “a globally known mental health figure who had been chairman of the department of psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and later was dean for social and behavioral studies.”

A more complete obituary from LexisNexis can be found at AllBusiness.Com which chronicles his postgraduate work at Yale University School of Medicine and the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, his work during World War II as a captain in the Army Medical Corps serving as chief of the neuropsychiatric service in hospitals of the European command, through his work with America’s inner cities and much much more. He served as psychiatric consultant to the international military tribunal that conducted the war-crime trials of former Nazi military and civilian officials at Nuremberg.

Related Links:

Eugene Brody Obituary, Baltimore Sun, March 17, 2010.

APA Psychiatric News Covers Love from Depression

The American Psychiatric Association’s Psychiatric News for February 5, 2010, featured the Foundation’s Love From Depression outreach campaign. Besides Love from Depression, the article describes other outreach programs the Foundation has done and continues to do, ranging from public service announcements on radio, clinician meetings, and the Outstanding Merit Award.
Related Links:
– “Innovation Marks Foundation’s Public-Education Outreach,” Rich Daly, Psychiatric News, February 5, 2010
Love From Depression
Foundation Radio Ads
Outstanding Merit Award 2010