Prolonged Grief Disorder To Be Included In DSM-5-TR, APA Announces

Healio (9/24) reported, “Prolonged grief disorder will be included in the DSM-5-TR set to be released in March 2022,” the American Psychiatric Association announced in a Sept. 23 press release. According to Healio, “after a two-year process of review and public comment, APA’s board of trustees and assembly approved this DSM addition last fall.” In the release, APA President Vivian B. Pender, MD, said, “The circumstances in which we are living, with more than 675,000 deaths due to COVID, may make prolonged grief disorder more prevalent.” For his part, APA CEO and medical director Saul Levin, MD, MPA, stated, “Including prolonged grief disorder in the DSM-5-TR will mean that mental health clinicians and patients and families alike share an understanding of what normal grief looks like and what might indicate a long-term problem.”

Related Links:

— “DSM-5-TR to include prolonged grief disorder, Healio, September 24, 2021

Lack Of Employer Focus On Employee Mental Health Factors Into Reasons Why Workers Consider Leaving Their Jobs, Online Behavioral Survey Data Indicate

Healio (9/23) reports that according to a Sept. 22 press release (9/22) from the “online behavioral healthcare company” Talkspace, responses from “a nationwide survey showed most employees who were considering leaving their jobs felt their employer had not properly focused on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.” The company “partnered with The Harris Poll to conduct the survey of 1,015 full-time employed adults aged 18 years or older in the U.S. between July 29 and Aug. 2.” The survey revealed that 67% “of participants considering leaving their job felt their employer had not met early pandemic promises to emphasize employee mental health, with 68% endorsing the statement, ‘My employer [said] employees should focus on ‘self-care’ but doesn’t provide the resources to do so.’”

Related Links:

— “Lack of mental health focus at work large factor when employees consider quittinge, Healio, September 23, 2021

Nearly One In Five Americans Report Drinking Heavily Due To Stress Of Pandemic, World Events, Study Suggests

USA Today (9/22, Hauck) reports, “More than 18 months into the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., nearly 1 in 5 Americans is consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol, a new survey suggests.” Approximately 17% of the respondents “reported ‘heavy drinking’ in the past 30 days, according to the survey commissioned by Alkermes, an Ireland-based biopharmaceutical company.” Experts say “stress of world events and anxiety about the future can increase drinking and exacerbate symptoms of alcohol use disorder, as seen in the wake of previous disasters such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.”

The Hill (9/22, Lonas) reports, “The survey defined ‘heavy drinking’ as having two days a week where a woman drank more than four drinks or a man drank more than five drinks.” Respondents “who said they drank heavily in the past year also reported a decline in mental, psychosocial and physical health.”

Related Links:

— “Americans are using alcohol to cope with pandemic stress: Nearly 1 in 5 report ‘heavy drinking’ “Grace Hauck, USA TODAY, September 22, 2021

Antipsychotics do not increase COVID-19 mortality risk

According to Healio (9/22, Miller), deaths from overdose in the US “that involved psychostimulants other than cocaine – mostly methamphetamine – rose 180% in the last five full years before the COVID-19 pandemic,” researchers concluded after reviewing “data on methamphetamine use, methamphetamine use disorder…injection and frequency of use from 195,711 individuals aged 18 to 64 years…who participated in the 2015 to 2019 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health.” The findings of the cross-sectional analysis were published online Sept. 22 in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Overdose deaths involving methamphetamine nearly tripled prior to COVID-19 pandemic “Janel Miller, Healio, September 22, 2021

Research Reveals No Association Between Antipsychotic Use, Mortality In Adults With A Serious Mental Illness Who Were Diagnosed With COVID-19

Healio (9/22, Gramigna) reports research indicates that “antipsychotic treatment did not increase risk for mortality among adults with serious mental illness diagnosed with COVID-19 infection.”

Psychiatric News (9/22) reports that included in the analysis were 464 adult patients “who were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection between March 3, 2020, and February 17, 2021, and who had a preexisting diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder.” Of this group, 196 were “treated with antipsychotic medication.” The findings were published online Sept. 22 in a research letter in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Antipsychotics do not increase COVID-19 mortality risk “Joe Gramigna, Healio, September 22, 2021

Physicians Have Prescribed 44% Fewer Opioids Over Past Decade, But Overdoses Have Continued To Climb, Report Finds

The Hill (9/21, Coleman) reports, “Physicians have prescribed 44 percent” fewer “opioids over the past decade, yet fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses have continued to climb, according to a new report [PDF] from the American Medical Association (AMA)” that “documented a 44.4 percent decrease in opioid prescriptions between 2011 and 2020, with a 6.9 percent reduction between 2019 and last year, with more” physicians “using prescription drug monitoring programs.” Nevertheless, CDC data revealed that “more than 93,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2020, including about 69,000 from opioid overdoses,” representing “a record high and an almost 30 percent increase in overall fatal overdoses from the prior year.”

Related Links:

— “Opioid prescriptions fell over past decade while drug overdose deaths climbed: AMA report “Justine Coleman, The Hill, September 21, 2021

Types Of Online Content Youth Explore, Messages They Share With Others May Help Identify Those Most Likely To Be At High Risk Of Suicide Attempt Or Self-Harm, Research Suggests

Psychiatric News (9/21) reports, “The types of online content that youth explore and the messages they share with others may help identify those most likely to be at high risk of a suicide attempt or self-harm,” researchers concluded in a study that “analyzed data drawn from more than 2,600 U.S. schools participating in online safety monitoring using a program called Bark” that “monitors and sends alerts to school administrators and parents about content ‘threatening to the health and well-being of students, such as messages about self-harm, suicidal ideation, online predators, bullying, or threats of violence.’” The findings of the 227-youth study were published online Sept. 20 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Youth’s Online Activity May Point to Subsequent Suicidal Behaviors, Psychiatric News, September 21, 2021

Exposure To Neighborhood Gun Violence May Be Tied To An Increase In Children Visiting The ED For Acute Mental Health Symptoms, Study Indicates

HealthDay (9/21, Reinberg) reports, “Living within a few blocks of a shooting increases the risk that a child will end up visiting the emergency department [ED] for mental health-related problems,” investigators concluded after studying data on some 54,300 patients. The study revealed “significant increases in mental health-related” ED “visits in the two weeks after a neighborhood shooting, especially among kids who lived closest to it and those exposed to multiple shootings.” The findings were published online Sept. 20 in JAMA Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Neighborhood Gun Violence Means Worse Mental Health for Kids “Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, September 21, 2021

Hospitalized People With OUD Appear To Die At Rate Similar To People Who Have A Heart Attack After Leaving The Hospital, Data Indicate

According to HealthDay (9/20, Reinberg), hospitalized people with opioid use disorder (OUD) appear to “die at a rate similar to people who have a heart attack after leaving the hospital,” investigators concluded after examining “data on more than 6,600 Medicaid patients treated in Oregon hospitals between April 2015 and December 2017.” The study revealed that “nearly 8% of patients addicted to opioids died within 12 months of hospital discharge.” The findings were published in the September issue of the Journal of Addiction Medicine.

Related Links:

— “Opioid Use Disorder Is as Deadly as Heart Attack: Study ” Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, September 20, 2021

Program That Teaches Parents How To Engage With Babies Identified To Be At High Risk Of ASD May Reduce Likelihood Those Babies Will Develop The Disorder, Researchers Say

Psychiatric News (9/20) reports, “A program that teaches parents how to engage with babies identified to be at high risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may reduce the likelihood of the children’s developing the disorder,” investigators concluded in a study that tested the “iBASIS–Video Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting” intervention among “103 families of babies aged nine to 15 months old showing behaviors associated with ASD, as measured by the Social Attention and Communication Surveillance–Revised…12-month checklist.” The findings were published online Sept. 20 in JAMA Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Childhood trauma increases depressive episode risk during perinatal period, Psychiatric News, September 20, 2021