Higher Rate Of Suicidal Thoughts Observed Among Patients Taking Semaglutide, Study Finds

Bloomberg (8/20, Kresge, Subscription Publication) reports, “A new study that found evidence of a higher rate of suicidal thoughts among patients taking Novo Nordisk A/S’s popular weight-loss and diabetes drugs is adding to a debate among doctors about the drugs’ safety.”

STAT (8/20, Chen , Subscription Publication) says that after analyzing “a World Health Organization database that tracks suspected adverse drug reactions,” investigators discovered “a 45% greater rate of reports of suicidal thoughts associated with semaglutide, the ingredient in Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy, compared with all other drugs in the database.” After comparing “semaglutide specifically against other diabetes and obesity drugs – including Farxiga, metformin, and orlistat –” investigators “again saw a higher rate of suicidal ideation reported for semaglutide.” The findings were published in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Ozempic Suicide Debate Stoked by Study Into Potential Link,”Naomi Kresge, Bloomberg, August 20, 2024

Benzodiazepines linked to increased CV risks for patients with insomnia

Healio (8/16, Jenkins) reported, “Benzodiazepineswere associated with increased risk for CHD, HF and CV mortality among patients with insomnia, according to a study.” In order “to investigate the association between regular use of Z-drugs (eszopiclone, zolpidem and zaleplon) and benzodiazepines (lorazepam, alprazolam, diazepam and triazolam) and CV outcomes – including CHD, HF, stroke and CV mortality – among patients with insomnia,” investigators “used multivariable Cox proportional hazard models to analyze data from 124,445 U.K. Biobank participants aged 40 to 69 years with insomnia.” The findings were published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Related Links:

— “Benzodiazepine use may carry CV risks among patients with insomnia,”Cassandra Jenkins, Healio , August 16, 2024

Herpes Zoster Tied To Elevated Risk Of Subjective Cognitive Decline, Analysis Shows

MedPage Today (8/16, George ) reported, “Herpes zoster (shingles) was tied to an elevated risk of subjective cognitive decline, an analysis of 150,000 U.S. healthcare professionals showed.” Investigators also observed that “the risk of subjective cognitive decline was higher for APOE4 carriers versus non-carriers among men (P for interaction=0.02) but not women,” while “the association between herpes zoster and risk of subjective cognitive decline did not differ among people with or without potentially immunocompromising conditions.” The findings were published in Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy.

Related Links:

MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Parents’ Excessive Smartphone Use Could Be Harming Children’s Mental Health, Study Finds

HealthDay (8/16, Mundell ) reported parents’ excessive smartphone use “could be harming the mental health of children, a new study suggests.” Investigators found that “kids ages 9 to 11 who said their parents spent way too much [time] on their smartphones were more prone to anxiety, attention issues and hyperactivity later on compared to the youngsters of parents who weren’t phone-obsessed.” The findings were published in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Parents’ Excessive Smartphone Use Could Be Harming Children’s Mental Health, Study Finds,”Ernie Mundell, HealthDay, August 16, 2024

Alcohol Consumption Contributed To 2.6M Deaths Worldwide In 2019, WHO Report Shows

The Washington Post (8/19, Docter-Loeb) says, “Alcohol consumption played a role in 2.6 million deaths worldwide in 2019, according to a report from the World Health Organization.” After analyzing “alcohol and psychoactive drug usage in 2019 across 145 countries,” investigators observed that “young people ages 20 to 39 and individuals in Europe and Africa made up the largest proportion of alcohol-attributable deaths, and more men than women – 2 million vs. 0.6 million – died because of alcohol, according to the report.” Despite “400 million people globally” experiencing alcohol use disorders, “most of the countries assessed did not have a specific budget line or data on governmental expenditures for treatment.” The findings were published in a news release from WHO.

Related Links:

— “The Washington Post (requires login and subscription)

Pediatric Inpatient Psychiatric Bed Capacity Remained Unchanged From 2017 To 2020, With Number Of Beds Varying Widely By State, Study Shows

MedPage Today (8/19, DePeau-Wilson ) reports, “Despite the growing mental heath crisis among kids, pediatric inpatient psychiatric bed capacity remained unchanged from 2017 to 2020, and the number of beds varied widely by state, a cross-sectional study showed.” Investigators also observed that “pediatric inpatient psychiatric beds were offered most frequently at nonprofit and general medical hospitals,” with 52.2% of 11,276 beds being “in free-standing psychiatric hospitals (34.9% at general psychiatric hospitals and 17.3% at children’s psychiatric hospitals), and 23% of beds…in hospitals specializing in pediatric care.” The findings were published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Related Links:

MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Deaths From Dementia Have Tripled Over 21-Year Period, Research Suggests

ABC News (8/14, Shaik) reports, “Deaths from dementia have tripled in just 21 years, according to a new study.” The research found that “in 1999, about 150,000 Americans died from dementia,” but “by 2020, that number had tripled to over 450,000.” The study indicated that “the chances of dying from dementia increased among every demographic group studied.” The findings were published in The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders.

Related Links:

— “More people are dying from dementia, according to new study,”Dr. Noor Shaik, More people are dying from dementia, according to new study, August 14, 2024

Over 90% Of Individuals Experiencing FEP Achieve Remission Within Two Years, Research Indicates

Psychiatric News (8/14) reports research found that “more than 90% of individuals experiencing a first-episode psychosis (FEP) achieved remission within two years.” Among those “who relapsed, the researchers found that they experienced delusions that were similar to those they had experienced during their initial psychotic episode.” The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “High Rate of Remission, Persistence of Delusions Among Those Who Relapse in FEP Clinic Found,”, Psychiatric News , August 14, 2024

Eating Anti-Inflammatory Diet Instead Of Inflammatory Diet Lowers Risk Of Dementia By 31%, Study Suggests

CNN (8/13, LaMotte ) reports, “Eating an anti-inflammatory diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables instead of an inflammatory diet focused on red and processed meats and ultraprocessed foods, such as sugary cereals, sodas, fries and ice cream, lowered the risk of dementia by 31%, a new study found.” Researchers found “that benefit held true even for people with existing diagnoses of cardiometabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke.” The findings were published in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Eating these foods lowers dementia risk, even with type 2 diabetes and heart disease, study says,”Sandee LaMotte, CNN, August 13, 2024

Podcast Offering Guidance For Living With Dementia Receives Favorable Reviews, Research Finds

Healio (8/13, Herpen) reports research found that “a podcast that offers guidance for living with dementia as well as a space for those with lived experience to share their stories has received favorable reviews.” The Alzheimer Society teamed up “with the Centre for Education in Research in Aging and Health at Lakehead University in Ontario to produce Dementia Dialogue, a podcast dedicated to furthering education and creating dialogue around the issues that arise from a dementia diagnosis for patients and caregivers.” The findings were presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.

Related Links:

— “Eating these foods lowers dementia risk, even with type 2 diabetes and heart disease, study says,”Sandee LaMotte, CNN, August 13, 2024