Eating Disorder Behaviors Appear To Change Brain Reward Processing, Scan Study Indicates

Healio (7/1, Gramigna) reports, “Eating disorder behaviors appeared to change brain reward processing,” researchers concluded in a functional brain imaging study that sought “to evaluate brain response during unexpected receipt or omission of a salient sweet stimulus in 317 women, of whom 197 had eating disorders and 120 served as healthy controls, and to determine whether this brain response was linked to the ventral striatal-hypothalamic circuitry, which has correlated with food intake control.” The study revealed that “BMI modulated prediction error and food intake control circuitry in the brain, and alteration of this circuitry may reinforce eating disorder behaviors when paired with behavioral traits linked to overeating or undereating, researchers noted.” The findings were published online June 30 in JAMA Psychiatry. HealthDay (7/1, Preidt) also covers the study.

Related Links:

— “Eating disorder behaviors linked to changes in brain reward processing “Joe Gramigna, Healio, July 1, 2021

State-Enacted Family Leave Policies May Improve Mental Health, Decrease Psychological Distress Of New Parents, Research Suggests

Psychiatric News (6/30) reports, “Paid family leave policies enacted by states for new parents appear to improve mental health and decrease psychological distress of new parents,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data collected between 1997 and 2016 as part of the annual National Health Interview Survey,” then comparing “changes in parental psychological distress (as determined by the Kessler 6 score) and child behavioral problems (as determined by the Mental Health Indicator score) among families in California and New Jersey before and after implementation of paid family leave policies.” The findings were published online June 28 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Related Links:

— “Paid Family Leave May Reduce Psychological Distress of New Parents, Psychiatric News, June 30, 2021

People With Substance-Induced Psychosis Appear To Be At Greater Risk Of Dying Earlier Than Those Who Do Not Experience Psychosis, Data Indicate

Psychiatric News (6/29) reports, “People with substance-induced psychosis appear to be at a greater risk of dying earlier than those who do not experience psychosis,” investigators concluded in a study that included 9,303 people who “were diagnosed with substance-induced psychosis only, 2,197” who were “were diagnosed with schizophrenia following substance-induced psychosis, and 39,738” who “were diagnosed with schizophrenia without preceding substance-induced psychosis.” The study population “was followed until death, emigration, or August 10, 2017, whichever came first.” The study “revealed that the risk of death was elevated in people with substance-induced psychosis regardless of whether they later developed schizophrenia.” The findings were published online June 9 in the journal Addiction.

Related Links:

— “People With Substance-Induced Psychosis Found to Be at Greater Risk of Death Than General Population, Psychiatric News, June 29, 2021

Antipsychotic-Naive Patients With First-Episode Psychosis May Exhibit Widespread Functional Dysconnectivity At Baseline, Small Scan Study Suggests

Healio (6/29, Gramigna) reports, “Antipsychotic-naive patients with first-episode psychosis exhibited widespread functional dysconnectivity at baseline,” researchers concluded in a “secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial” that included data on “59 antipsychotic-naive patients with first-episode psychosis receiving either a second-generation antipsychotic or a placebo…over six months of treatment,” as well as 27 healthy individuals who served as controls. Study participants underwent resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging at “baseline, three months and 12 months…with data analysis between May 2019 and August 2020.” The findings were published online June 23 in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Functional dysconnectivity ‘widespread’ in antipsychotic-naive first-episode psychosis “Joe Gramigna, Healio, June 29, 2021

Young Adults With Or Without Depression Who Use Cannabis May Have Higher Prevalence Of Suicidal Ideation, Plan And Attempt, Survey Study Data Reveal

Healio (6/28, Gramigna) reports, “Young adults with or without depression who used cannabis had higher prevalence of suicidal ideation, plan and attempt,” investigators concluded after conducting “a survey study using data from 281,650 adults aged 18 to 34 years who participated in the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health, with data collection between 2008 and 2019.” The study also revealed that “past-year cannabis use disorder, daily cannabis use and nondaily cannabis use were associated with a higher prevalence of past-year suicidal ideation, plan and attempt among both sexes; however, women were more affected than men.” The findings were published online June 22 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Young adults who use cannabis have higher rates of suicidal ideation, plan and attempt “Joe Gramigna, Healio, June 28, 2021

Viewpoints Call For More Research On Prevention Of Suicide Among Black Youth

Psychiatric News (6/28) reports, “More research on the prevention of suicide among Black youth is urgently needed, yet clinicians can and should address suicidality within this population in their practices now, according to two viewpoints published” online June 28 in JAMA Pediatrics. The authors of one viewpoint contend that “over the past several decades, data have clearly illustrated the rising trend of suicide among Black youth.” The editorialists “suggest a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methodology, such as interviews and focus groups with youth, families, and clinicians, to better understand culturally relevant risk and protective factors.” The authors of the second viewpoint “emphasized the importance of universal screenings for suicidality across health care settings, but they noted that clinicians should be aware that suicidality and risk factors may differ for Black youth compared with other groups.”

Related Links:

— “Research to Prevent Suicide of Black Youth Must Take Ground Zero Approach, Say Experts, Psychiatric News, June 28, 2021

More Teenage Girls And Children Under 13 Are Seeking Emergency Mental Healthcare

The New York Times (6/28, Caron) reports that “interviews with mental health [professionals] and data from hospitals across the country reveal that while [professionals] are continuing to see a surge in teenagers visiting the emergency room for mental health problems, the number of children in crisis under the age of 13 is also on the rise, and has been for years.” Even prior to the pandemic, “a mental health crisis was brewing among children struggling with bullying, abuse, eating disorders, racism or undiagnosed mental health conditions.” Children are now “facing even more stressors, like the loss of a family member to Covid-19, adjusting to remote school or the anxiety of returning to in-person school.”

Related Links:

— “8-Year-Olds in Despair: The Mental Health Crisis Is Getting Younger “Christina Caron, The New York Times, June 28, 2021

Simultaneous Treatment With SSRIs, SGAs For Mental Health Disorders In Children May Have Negative Impacts On Cardiometabolic Health, Researchers Say

HCPlive (6/26, Alicea) reported research “indicates that simultaneous treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) for mental health disorders in children may have negative impacts on cardiometabolic health.” The 569-patient study consisted of four cohorts: “SSRI and SGA treatment-naïve (n = 242), SSRI only (n = 123), SGA only (n = 112), and SSRI + SGA (n = 92).” The findings were presented at the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) 81st Scientific Sessions (virtual).

Related Links:

— “Antidepressant Plus Antipsychotic Use Linked to Cardiometabolic Complications “Jonathan Alicea, HCPlive, June 26, 2021

Half Of Public Health Workers Report Symptoms Of Mental Health Conditions, CDC Report Says

The Hill (6/25, Wilson) said that more than half of public health workers surveyed by the CDC reported symptoms of at least one mental health condition, according to a new study by the agency. The study “found nearly a third of the 26,000 health care workers polled suffered from symptoms of depression in the last two weeks. Three in 10 reported suffering from anxiety, and more than one third say they have experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder”

Related Links:

— “Half of public health workers experiencing mental health strain: study “Reid Wilson, The Hill, June 25, 2021

Scheduling Follow-Up At Discharge Increases Likelihood Of Continued Patient Involvement In Psychiatric Care, Study Says

Psychiatric News reports, “Regardless of a patient’s level of engagement in psychiatric care prior to being hospitalized, having an appointment scheduled when discharged from the hospital may increase the likelihood that the patient receives follow-up care,” results published in Psychiatric Services show. Researchers found that “the less patients were engaged in care prior to their admission, the less likely they were to have a follow-up appointment scheduled as part of their discharge plan. … However, regardless of the patients’ level of engagement, scheduling an outpatient appointment as part of the discharge plan was significantly associated with attending an initial outpatient psychiatric appointment within seven or 30 days after discharge.”

Related Links:

— “Discharge Planning Improves Engagement With Psychiatric Care, Study Finds, Psychiatric News, June 24, 2021