Meta Analysis Finds Small Beneficial Effect Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids On Perinatal Depression

Healio (9/22, Gramigna) reports, “Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids appeared to have a small but significant beneficial effect on perinatal depression,” investigators concluded in a meta-analysis that “included data from 18 randomized controlled trials with 4,052 participants published up to Feb. 18, 2019.” The findingswere published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Omega-3 supplementation offers small but significant effect on perinatal depression “Joe Gramigna, Healio, September 22, 2020

Many Children With Mental Illnesses May Not Receive Follow-Up Treatment, Study Indicates

STAT (9/22, Gopalakrishna) reports, “A large new study finds that mental health care for many children in the U.S. falls far short, particularly when it comes to the follow-up treatment they receive.” Investigators arrived at that conclusion after examining “insurance claims from children between the ages of 10 and 17 covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.” Out “of the more than 2 million children included in the study, nearly one in 10 had a claim related to mental illness between 2012 and 2018,” but “only 71% of the children received treatment in the three months that followed an initial insurance claim.” The findings were published online Sept. 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Related Links:

— “New research shows many children with mental health conditions don’t get follow-up care “Pratibha Gopalakrishna, STAT, September 22, 2020

Researchers Say Smartphone App That Encourages People To Acknowledge And Accept Their Cravings Can Help Them Quit Smoking

CNN (9/21, Prior) reports a smartphone app based on the idea that people trying to quit smoking can benefit from acknowledging and accepting their cravings may help stop smoking, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Jonathan Bricker of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the study’s lead author, said, “The problem is that when you try to avoid what you’re feeling and what you’re thinking, you paradoxically create more of what you’re trying to avoid.”

Healio (9/21, Miller) reports that in the study, the iCanQuit smartphone app, which is based on acceptance and commitment therapy, was more effective at helping people quit smoking than NCI’s QuitGuide, a “clinical practice guidelines app based on avoidance of smoking triggers.”

Related Links:

— “Quitting smoking apps that help you acknowledge your triggers work better, study shows “Ryan Prior, CNN, September 21, 2020

Transgender Youth Seeking Gender-Affirming Care In Early Adolescence May Have Fewer Mental Health Problems Than Those First Seeking Care When Older, Researchers Say

MedPage Today (9/21, Hlavinka) reports, “Transgender youth who presented to a clinic for gender-affirming care in early adolescence had fewer mental health problems than adolescents who first sought care when older, or in later stages of puberty,” investigators found in a study that revealed that “among 300 teens seeking gender-affirming care, a significantly higher proportion of adolescents older than 15 reported experiencing mental health problems compared with children under 15.” The findings were published online Sept. 16 in Pediatrics.

Related Links:

MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Hospitals, Emergency Services Should Be Prepared For Possible Influx Of Young People With Alcohol-Related Emergencies Post-Pandemic Lockdown, Researchers Say

Psychiatric News (9/18) reported, “Hospitals and emergency services should be prepared for a possible influx of adolescents and young adults with alcohol-related emergencies as their localities open up after COVID-19 lockdowns,” investigators concluded after analyzing “data on ED visits of patients aged 13 to 24 years that occurred during…the last three weeks of lockdown, April 10, 2020, to May 3, 2020,” and “the first three weeks after reopening, May 4, 2020, to May 27, 2020.” The study revealed that “the proportion of alcohol-related emergency department (ED) visits to two Italian hospitals jumped for this population in the weeks following the end of this spring’s lockdown compared with the same time frame in 2019.” The findings were published online Sept. 15 in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Related Links:

— “Researchers Warn of Post-Lockdown Influx of Alcohol-Related Emergencies Among Youth, Psychiatric News, September 18, 2020

Alcohol-Induced Loss Of Consciousness May Be Tied To Subsequent Increase In Dementia Risk, Research Suggests

Healio (9/18, Gramigna) reported, “Alcohol-induced loss of consciousness appeared associated with a subsequent increase in dementia risk,” investigators concluded after analyzing “data of 131,415 participants in seven cohort studies conducted in the U.K., France, Sweden and Finland.” Included in the data were people “aged 18 to 77 years, were free of diagnosed dementia and reported alcohol consumption at baseline.” The findings of the “multicohort study” were published online in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “People who lose consciousness due to alcohol at greater risk for dementia “Joe Gramigna, Healio, September 18, 2020

Investigators Explore How Vitamin B1 Deficiency May Play Role In Development Of Alcohol-Related Dementia

Medscape (9/17, Yasgur, Subscription Publication) reports, “Vitamin B1 deficiency may play a role in the development of alcohol-related dementia,” investigators concluded after exploring in a medical literature review “the hypothesis that the accumulation of iron in the brain is caused by a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier…attributable to thiamine depletion induced by alcohol consumption.” The findings were published online Aug. 18 in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Related Links:

Medscape (requires login and subscription)

PTSD May Increase Risk Of Dementia Later In Life, Systematic Review Suggests

HealthDay (9/17, Preidt) reports, “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may significantly increase the risk of dementia later in life,” investigators concluded after analyzing data from “13 studies from four continents that included a total of nearly 1.7 million people.” The analysis revealed that “people with a history of PTSD were up to two times more likely to develop dementia than those who never had PTSD.” The findings of the systematic review and meta-analysis were published online Sept. 16 in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “PTSD May Be Tied to Greater Dementia Risk “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, September 17, 2020

Psychiatrist Joins Experts In Sharing Tips On Coping With Isolation, Caregiving, And More During COVID-19 Pandemic

As part of its “#AskReuters Twitter chat series,” Reuters (9/17, Lockwood) “gathered a group of experts to share their tips on coping with isolation, caregiving and more” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the experts quoted was Howard Liu, MD, MBA, “chair of University of Nebraska Medical Center’s department of psychiatry and spokesperson for the American Psychiatric Association,” who said, “Role modeling is so important for kids, and that includes role modeling vulnerability as parents.” Dr. Liu advised parents, “When we are grieving, don’t hide. It’s OK for kids to see your tears. When we are down, it’s OK to let them know you are seeing a therapist or psychiatrist.”

Related Links:

— “Tips for managing mental health during COVID-19 “Beatrix Lockwood, Reuters, September 17, 2020

Virtual Care May Account For More Than 20% Of Medical Visits In 2020, Report Says

Healthcare Finance News (9/16, Lagasse) reports that “in 2020, virtual care is expected to account for more than 20% of all medical visits in the U.S., which in turn is projected to drive $29 billion in total healthcare services,” according to Doximity’s 2020 State of Telemedicine Report. The report “also found that up to $106 billion of current U.S. healthcare spend could be virtualized by 2023.”

Related Links:

— “Telehealth is expected to drive $29 billion in healthcare services in 2020 “Jeff Lagasse,Healthcare Finance News, September 16, 2020