Nurses May Be At Higher Risk For Suicide, Researchers Say

MedPage Today (11/22, Firth) reported, “Nurses are at a higher risk of suicide and are more likely to have experienced a job problem prior to taking their lives compared to others in the general population,” researchers concluded after “examining 12 years of suicide data from 2005 to 2016.” The findings were presented at the Fuld Institute for EBP National Summit.

Related Links:

— “New Research Suggests Nurses at Increased Risk for Suicide, “Shannon Firth, MedPage Today, November 22, 2019

Study Suggests Hispanic Americans May Experience Worsening Mental Health From Immigration Raids

Reuters (11/21, Rapaport) reports that Hispanic Americans “may experience worsening mental health when immigration arrests spike, a U.S. study suggests.” Researchers “examined data on people who identified as Hispanic or Latino in nationally-representative behavioral health surveys administered from 2014 to 2018.” The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Related Links:

— “, “Lisa Rapaport, Reuters , November 21, 2019

Women With Eating Disorders May Have Higher Risk For Adverse Pregnancy And Neonatal Outcomes, Study Indicates

Healio (11/21, Gramigna) reports researchers found that “women with eating disorders are at an increased risk for adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes and should thus be recognized as a high-risk population among pregnant women.” The researchers wrote, “From a clinical point of view, these findings emphasize the importance of developing a reliable antenatal routine enabling identification of women with ongoing or previous eating disorders and considering extended pregnancy screening.” The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Women with eating disorders experience adverse pregnancy, neonatal outcomes, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, November 21, 2019

Analysis Finds Alarming Uptick In Suicides Related To Traumatic Brain Injuries

U.S. News & World Report (11/21, Galvin) reports, “Deaths tied to traumatic brain injuries have risen amid higher rates of suicides and accidental falls in the U.S., a new analysis (11/21) says.” There “were 61,131 TBI-linked deaths in 2017 alone, and nearly half of these deaths were by suicide or homicide from 2015 to 2017, according to the study released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” The report “details an alarming uptick in TBI-related suicides, the vast majority of which were by gun.”

Related Links:

— “Suicide Is Top Cause of Deaths Tied to Traumatic Brain Injury, “Gaby Galvin, U.S. News & World Report, November 21, 2019

Diabulimia Reportedly Becoming More Prevalent Among Young People With T1D

The Miami (FL) Herald (11/20, Mayo) reports on diabulimia, “an eating disorder combined with the chronic illness of type 1 diabetes [T1D].” The condition, in which “patients learn how to restrict, or even omit, their insulin in order to lose or control weight,” is “growing at an alarming rate among adolescents and young patients with” T1D.

Related Links:

— “They’re underdosing insulin to lose weight. It’s a risky game diabetic girls are playing , “Christina Mayo, The Miami Herald, November 20, 2019

Large Proportion Of Gun Victims Continue To Suffer From PTSD, Substance Abuse Years Later, Study Shows

The Washington Post (11/20, Wan) reports, “Years after being shot, a large proportion of gun victims continue to suffer from increased unemployment, alcohol and drug abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study shows, and the effects persist even when the injuries were minor.” The study authors acknowledge “that treatment for gun injuries may need to change,” as “currently, patients may be discharged quickly from the hospital, often with no checks on their mental health or follow-up care. And they say growing evidence suggests that gunshot trauma is harder to recover from than other types of injuries.” The report was published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery.

HealthDay (11/20, Mozes) reports, “About 70,000 Americans survive gun shootings every year, but little research has looked at the long-term aftereffects, the study team said.” For this study, they “conducted phone interviews with 183 patients who were shot between 2008 and 2017 and treated at an urban, level 1 trauma center.”

Among the news outlets covering this story are Newsweek (11/20, Gander) and Healio (11/20, Gramigna).

Related Links:

— “Shooting victims have increased risk of mental harm long after physical injuries have healed, study finds, “William Wan, The Washington Post, November 20, 2019

Study Suggests Having An Abortion Does Not Increase A Woman’s Risk Of Suicide

Reuters (11/20, Millar) reports a study published in The Lancet Psychiatry concluded that “having an abortion does not increase women’s risk of suicide.” The study was “based on data from 520,000 Danish women over 17 years” and “found pre-existing mental health problems were the strongest risk factor for women trying to end their lives.” Investigators also “found that among women who had a first-trimester abortion, 8.9 in 1,000 made a non-fatal suicide attempt in the year before the procedure, while 8.6 per 1,000 did in the year directly after,” and “said the similarities in the rate indicated that the suicide attempts could not be attributed to the abortion.”

Healio (11/20) reports the study suggests that “although women who have had an abortion have a higher risk for nonfatal suicide attempts, the abortion itself is not the cause.” Julia R. Steinberg, PhD, one of the study’s authors, said, “There are 12 states that inform women seeking abortions that abortion increases or may increase their risk for suicidal ideation or mental health problems.”

Related Links:

— “Danish study rejects link between abortion and suicide, “Molly Millar, Reuters, November 20, 2019

Mental Health Coverage Continues to Fall Short, Study Suggests

Bloomberg BusinessWeek (11/20, Koons) reports that more Americans “turn to out-of-network providers when seeking mental health care than when seeking medical care, and the trend continues to worsen, a new study shows, despite a law designed to prevent this problem for people seeking treatment for conditions such as depression and addiction.” In an update of a 2017 report about access to mental health treatment, researchers “found that the disparity between medical coverage and mental and behavioral health coverage continued to grow in 2016 and 2017.”
Forbes (11/20, Japsen) also reports on the story.

Related Links:

— “Mental Health Coverage Continues to Fall Short, Study Shows, “Cynthia Koons, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, November 20, 2019

Five Lawsuits Filed Against JUUL This Week

CNN (11/19, Silverman, Alsup) reports five lawsuits were filed against JUUL this week, claiming its “advertising campaigns target young people to use nicotine without knowing the associated risks by enticing them with flavor pods.” The suits “were filed…by the states of California and New York, two Washington state counties and a school district.”

The Hill (11/19, Weixel) reports the New York complaint alleges “JUUL’s advertising and social media posts misled consumers about the content of its products by failing to warn that they contain nicotine.” JUUL faces “numerous state and federal investigations about the role it played in what public health officials have called an ‘epidemic’ of youth vaping.”

CBS News (11/19) reports “New York’s lawsuit comes one day after California filed its complaint,” which alleges “that JUUL had a marketing plan that described their target customer and the targeted customer had common characteristics of teenagers and young adults.” CBS News says, “The mounting litigation against JUUL comes in the same week that President Donald Trump has reportedly backpedaled on his intentions to ban most flavored e-cigarettes.”

Also covering the story are ABC News (11/19, Schumaker) and NBC News (11/19).

Related Links:

— “At least five lawsuits have been filed against e-cigarette company Juul this week for allegedly targeting minors, ” Hollie Silverman, CNN, November 19, 2019

Some Critics Contend New Safety Standards Limiting Suicide Risks Have Made Psychiatric Hospital Rooms Feel Like Jail Cells

The AP (11/19, Ehrmann) reports, “New safety standards aimed at limiting suicide risks have led to overhauls inside hospitals around the country, with psychiatric facilities and wards removing bathroom doors, stripping artwork from walls and requiring patients to wear paper gowns instead of their own clothes,” changes that “have forced costly renovations and caused a backlash, with some critics contending they’ve made hospital rooms feel more like jail cells.” American Psychiatric Association President Bruce Schwartz, MD, said, “We’re buying the same furniture and plumbing fixtures as prisons and jails,” measures that are “creating harsher environments in psychiatric facilities,” according to the AP. The AP adds that the current “length of stay for psychiatric patients at a psychiatric facility is seven to 10 days, according to the APA.”

Related Links:

— “Hospital psychiatric wards now feel like prisons, some say, “Chris Ehrmann, AP, November 19, 2019