Updated Guidelines Issued For Diagnosis, Evaluation, Treatment Of AD/HD In Children And Teens

The NPR (9/30, Smith) “Shots” blog reports, “The American Academy of Pediatrics issued new guidelines on” Sept. 30 “that uphold the central role of medication, accompanied by behavioral therapy, in” the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) in children and teens. But, “some parents, doctors and researchers who study kids with” AD/HD “say they are disappointed that the new guidelines don’t recommend behavioral treatment first for more children, as some recent research has suggested might lead to better outcomes.” But, “a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ ADHD Clinical Practice Guidelines Subcommittee says the group reviewed the recent ‘behavior first’ research but didn’t find the evidence strong enough to warrant a change in the guidelines.” Still, both the AAP “and its critics agree that not enough children are currently getting adequate behavioral treatment.”

HealthDay (9/30, Gordon) reports that Mark Wolraich, MD, “lead author of the guidelines, noted that there weren’t any dramatic differences between these and previous guidelines,” However, “he said, these latest updates keep the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines in sync with the same diagnostic and treatment criteria used by child and adolescent psychiatrists.” The guidelines were published online in Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Pediatricians Stand By Meds For ADHD, But Some Say Therapy Should Come First, “Alex Smith, NPR, September 30, 2019

M-CHAT/F screening not as accurate as hoped for screening children for autism, study indicates

Newsweek (9/27, Gander) reported that the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers with Follow-Up (M-CHAT/F), “the most widely used screening tool for” autism spectrum disorder (ASD) “is not as accurate as hoped,” researchers concluded after examining the “electronic health records of 25,999 patients at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a network encompassing 31 pediatric primary care sites in Pennsylvania and New Jersey,” all of whom underwent M-CHAT/F screening.

Medscape (9/27, Hackethal, Subscription Publication) reported the study revealed that “as conducted, universal screening detected only 38.8% of children who were eventually diagnosed with ASD, and only 14.6% of children who initially screened positive truly had ASD.” What’s more, “accuracy was even lower for minority children, as well as those from homes with lower incomes.” The findings were published online in Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Test For Autism Fails Major Hurdle: ‘We Need To Work A Lot Harder To Develop Screening Tools For Autism’, “Kashmira Gander, Newsweek, September 27, 2019

People With Night Shifts, Sleep-Disrupting Schedules May Be More Likely To Develop Depression, Study Indicates

Reuters (9/27, Rapaport) reported, “People who work night shifts or varied schedules that disrupt their sleep may be more likely to develop depression than individuals with 9-to-5 jobs,” researchers concluded after examining “data from seven previously published studies of work schedules and mental health involving a total of 28,438 participants.” The findings were published online Sept. 19 in the American Journal of Public Health.

Related Links:

— “Shift work tied to poor mental health, “Shift work tied to poor mental health, Reuters, September 27, 2019

Amount Of Alcohol Consumed By Older Adults May Affect Risk For Dementia

Healio (9/27, Michael) reported, “The amount of alcohol older adults consume affects their risk for dementia differently depending on whether they have mild cognitive impairment,” research indicated. Included in the study were a “total of 3,021 adults with a median age of 78 years.” The study found that participants “who drank 7.1 to 14 alcoholic drinks per week had a lower risk for dementia compared with those who drank less than one drink per week,” a phenomenon that “occurred in both patients with (HR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.47-1.84) and without (HR = 0.63; 95% CI, 0.38-1.06) mild cognitive impairment.” But, “in patients with mild cognitive impairment, the risk for dementia increased when they consumed more than 14 drinks each week (HR = 1.72; 95% CI, 0.87-3.4) compared with less than one drink per week.” The findings were published online Sept. 27 in JAMA Network Open.

Psychiatric News (9/27) reported, “The association between alcohol intake and cognitive decline was affected by the presence of mild cognitive impairment at the start of the study.” The study authors concluded, “These results suggest that while caring for older adults, physicians should carefully assess the full dimensions of drinking behavior and cognition when providing guidance to patients about alcohol consumption.”

Related Links:

— “Amount of alcohol consumed tied to dementia risk in older adults, “Erin Michael, Healio, September 27, 2019

More US Children Have Developmental Disabilities Such As ASD, AD/HD Than A Decade Ago, Researchers Say

HealthDay (9/26) reports, “More U.S. children today have developmental disabilities like autism and” attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) “than a decade ago, though improved recognition may be a major reason,” research indicated. Investigators “found that between 2009 and 2017, the percentage of U.S. children and teens with a developmental disability rose from just over 16% to nearly 18%,” with “increases in” AD/HD and “and autism spectrum disorders [ASD]” accounting “for most of the change.” The findings were published online in Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “More U.S. Kids Being Diagnosed With Autism, ADHD, “Amy Norton, HealthDay, September 26, 2019

Recovery From Opioid Addiction Possible, Researchers Say

HealthDay (9/26, Heubeck) reports, “It is possible to recover from an opioid addiction,” researchers concluded after “using data from the 2017 National Recovery Survey” to analyze “treatment and recovery services used by U.S. adults who had resolved opioid problems compared to those who had overcome an alcohol problem.” The findings were published online Aug. 2 in the Journal of Addiction Medicine.

Related Links:

— “Beating Opioid Addiction Can Be Tough, Here’s What Helps, “Elizabeth Heubeck, HealthDay , September 26, 2019

Rate Of Suicide Among Troops Increased To Highest Level In Five Years, Report Finds

USA Today (9/26, Vanden Brook) reports, “The rate of suicide among troops increased to its highest level in five years,” a “comprehensive report [pdf] released” Sept. 26 by the Pentagon found. Specifically, “the rate of suicide among active duty military troops was 24.8 per 100,000 people in 2018,” compared to a rate of “18.5 per 100,000” just five years ago. The “overall spike in the rate” was attributed by the Pentagon to “small increases in suicides across all the services.” Newsweek (9/26, LaPorta) also covers the story.

Related Links:

— “Suicide among troops spikes in 2018 to highest rate in five years, Pentagon says, “Tom Vanden Brook, USA Today, September 26, 2019

Depression, Anxiety May Be Associated With More ED Visits In Young People With Asthma, Study Indicates

Reuters (9/25, Rapaport) reports, “When young people with asthma have anxiety, depression or both, they’re more likely to visit the emergency” department (ED) “than if they didn’t have these mood disorders,” researchers concluded after examining “health insurance claims data from 2014 to 2015 for 65,342 children and young adults ages 6 to 21 with asthma.” The findings were published online Sept. 25 in Pediatrics.

Related Links:

— “Anxiety, depression tied to more ER visits with childhood asthma, “Lisa Rapaport, Reuters, September 25, 2019

Politics Exacting Costs On Americans’ Social, Emotional, Psychological, And Physical Health, Study Indicates

The NBC News (9/25, Miller) website reports that researchpublished Sept. 25 in PLOS One “looked at the physical and emotional toll of paying attention to and participating in the political discourse.” The study revealed that “‘large numbers of American adults see politics as exacting a significant set of costs on their social, emotional, psychological and even physical health,’ said lead study author Kevin Smith, a political scientist at the University of Nebraska.” For the study, investigators examined “survey data collected by YouGov in March 2017 on 800 Americans – a time at which the costs of politics were ‘unusually acute,’ the researchers wrote.”

Newsweek (9/25, McCall) reports that “4.1 percent of respondents admitted to having suicidal thoughts triggered by events in politics⁠ – a number that would roughly translates to 13 million people if scaled up to current population figures,” the study found. The study also revealed that politics is “causing problems in…relationships – one in five said opposing political views have damaged a friendship, while 14.6 percent said that differences in political views have created problems for them in their immediate family.”

Also covering the story are the NPR (9/25, Chatterjee) “Shots” blog and HealthDay (9/25, Thompson).

Related Links:

— “Feeling sick or losing sleep over politics? You aren’t alone, “Sara G. Miller, NBC News, September 25, 2019

Most Of The Time Individual Who Dies By Suicide Leaves No Explanation, Researchers Say

MedPage Today (9/25, Susman) reports, “A review of 15 years of suicides that were autopsied indicated that, most frequently, the person involved was a man, using a gun, in his home – and most of the time the individual left no explanation,” research indicated. The review of 657 suicide death records was presented at the annual meeting of the College of American Pathologists.

Related Links:

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