New California Law Puts Suicide Hotline Numbers on Student ID Cards

CNN (8/14, Williams) reports California high school and middle school students “will have some lifesaving information at their fingertips as they go back to school this year.” A law that went into effect in July “requires schools to print the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on student ID cards for seventh- through 12th-graders in public, private and charter schools.” The law “also says that student IDs may have information on the Crisis Text Line – which can be reached by texting HOME to 741741 – as well as local suicide prevention resources.”

Related Links:

— “California law puts a suicide hotline number on school ID cards, “David Williams, CNN, August 14, 2019

Mobile Medical Clinic In Philadelphia Aims To Facilitate Buprenorphine Prescriptions

Nina Feldman writes in the NPR (8/13) “Shots” blog about buprenorphine “that curbs cravings and treats the symptoms of withdrawal from opioid addiction.” Feldman highlights one “mobile medical clinic parked on a corner of Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood” that facilitates the prescribing of buprenorphine to people addicted to opioids. The clinic “is a project of Prevention Point, Philadelphia’s only syringe-exchange program, and is part of the city’s efforts to expand access to this particular form of medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.” The piece adds that “doctors must apply for a special waiver from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to prescribe buprenorphine,” which is a barrier “to buprenorphine access.”

Related Links:

— “It’s The Go-To Drug To Treat Opioid Addiction. Why Won’t More Pharmacies Stock It?, “Nina Feldman, NPR, August 13, 2019

Research Examines Social Media’s Link To Mental Health Issues In Teens

CNN (8/13, Asmelash) reports that while “social media use has been linked to depression, especially in teenage girls,” research interviews with nearly “10,000 children between the ages of 13 and 16 in England” contends “that the issue may be more complex than experts think.”

TIME (8/13, Ducharme) reports, “Social media is associated with mental health issues, the research says – but only under certain circumstances, and only for certain people.” The study found that “in girls, frequent social-media use seemed to harm health when it led to either cyberbullying and/or inadequate sleep and exercise.” However, “these factors did not seem to have the same effect on boys, and the study didn’t pick up on specific ways that social networks could be harming them.” The findings were published in the Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

TODAY (8/13, Pawlowski) reports, “Still, heavy social media use predicted later poor mental health and well-being in both sexes.”

Related Links:

— “Social media use may harm teens’ mental health by disrupting positive activities, study says, “Leah Asmelash, CNN, August 13, 2019

Hypertension In Midlife To Late Life May Increase Risk For Dementia, Study Indicates

Healio Cardiology Today (8/13, Dobkowski) reports, “Patients who had sustained hypertension in midlife to late life and those with midlife hypertension and late-life hypotension had an increased risk for dementia later in life compared with patients with normal BP in midlife and late life,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data from 4,761 patients (59% women; mean age at fifth visit, 75 years) aged 45 to 65 years.” The findings were published in JAMA.

Related Links:

— “Hypertension in midlife, late life increases risk for dementia, “Darlene Dobkowski, Healio Cardiology Today, August 13, 2019

Researchers Say They Have Identified 16 New Genes Linked To Autism Spectrum Disorder

According to HealthDay (8/13, Preidt), “researchers report they have identified 16 new genes linked to” autism spectrum disorder. After conducting “genetic analyses of 2,300 people from nearly 500 families with at least two children with autism,” investigators “pinpointed 69 genes that were associated with an increased risk of autism, 16 of which had not previously been linked to the disorder.” In addition, the scientists “found several hundred genes they suspect may increase the risk of autism based on their proximity to genes previously identified with an increased risk, and also identified several new biological pathways not previously identified in autism research.” The findings were published online Aug. 8 in the journal Cell.

Related Links:

— “Scientists Uncover More Autism Genes, “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, August 13, 2019

Adolescents Who Vape Also More Likely To Use Marijuana, Research Indicates

CNN (8/12, Azad) reports research examining over 20 studies on people between the ages of 10 and 24 “found that the odds of marijuana use were 3.5 times higher in people who vaped compared to those who didn’t.” Lead study author Dr. Nicholas Chadi said the findings indicate that “e-cigarettes really need to be considered in the broad category of addictive and harmful substances.” The findings were published online in JAMA Pediatrics.

HealthDay (8/12, Mundell) reports the investigators wrote, “Odds of using marijuana in youth with e-cigarette use were higher in adolescents age 12 to 17 [more than four times the risk] than young adults age 18 to 24 years [a 40% higher risk].” Moreover, the researchers “found that use of e-cigarettes typically comes before the use of marijuana in the young – suggesting that the vaping habit is a ‘gateway’ to the drug.”

Related Links:

— “Vaping linked to marijuana use in young people, research says, “Arman Azad, CNN, August 12, 2019

Veterans With History Of TBI May Be Twice As Likely To Die By Suicide Compared With Veterans Without History Of TBI, Research Suggests

Healio (8/12, Demko) reports, “Veterans with a history of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, were twice as likely to die by suicide compared with veterans without history of TBI,” researchers concluded after looking at “the connections between TBI, suicide and suicide method among 215,610 veterans with a previous/current TBI diagnosis compared with 1,187,683 veterans without TBI receiving VHA care between 2006 and 2015.” The findings were published online July 30 in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.

Related Links:

— “TBI may increase suicide risk among veterans, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 12, 2019

Researchers Examine Association Between Social Contact Frequency, Dementia Over A Long Period

Healio (8/12, Demko) reports research indicates that “more frequent social contact with friends at age 60 years was linked to lower risk of developing dementia over a 28-year follow-up and higher subsequent cognitive performance over a 15-year follow-up.” Investigators arrived at these conclusions after examining “the link between social contact frequency and dementia over a long period in a retrospective analysis of the Whitehall study, a prospective cohort study of English participants aged 35 to 55 years at baseline assessment in 1985 to 1988 and followed to 2017.” The findings were published online Aug. 2 in PLOS Medicine.

Related Links:

— “Social contact during midlife appears to lower dementia risk, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 12, 2019

Depression And Cognitive Decline May Both Be Tied To Accumulation Of Amyloid Protein In Brain, Study Indicates

HealthDay (8/12, Preidt) reports researchers found “a significant link between worsening depression symptoms and mental decline over two to seven years, and both of these trends seemed to be linked to a buildup of amyloid protein in brain tissue.” The study’s lead author, Dr. Jennifer Gatchel of Massachusetts General Hospital, said the study’s results suggest that “depression symptoms themselves may be among the early changes in the preclinical stages of dementia syndromes.” The findings were published in JAMA Network Open.

Health IT Analytics (8/12, Kent) reports the researchers “found that mild or moderate depression together with brain amyloid, a biological marker of Alzheimer’s disease, could result in changes in thinking and memory over time.”

Related Links:

— “Depression, Alzheimer’s Might Be Part of Same Process in Some Aging Brains: Study, “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, August 12, 2019

Study Examines Prevalence Of Mental Illness In Adolescents, Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

Healio Cardiology Today (8/9, Buzby) reported, “Among adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease, mental illness is a significantly more prevalent comorbidity in those who experienced at least two cardiac procedures during a three-year period or had greater lesion complexity than in others,” researchers found after analyzing “the data of 2,192 adolescents aged 11 to 17 years (42% girls), and 6,924 adults aged 18 to 64 years (53% women), with congenital heart disease between 2011 and 2013.” The findings were published in the Aug. 15 issue of the American Journal of Cardiology.

Related Links:

— “Mental illness odds elevated in congenital heart disease, “Scott Buzby, Healio Cardiology Today, August 09, 2019