No Increased Risk For Alzheimer’s In Prostate Cancer Patients Treated With ADT

Medscape (9/6, Jenkins) reports that researchers found “no increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease following treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in a group of men age 67 years and older with advanced prostate cancer.” The research was published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. This “finding contrasts with recent reports suggesting that there is an increased risk for cognitive impairment in patients who receive ADT.”

Related Links:

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Treating Young People With Insomnia By Using Online CBT May Reduce Debilitating Mental Health Problems, Research Suggests.

Reuters (9/6, Kelland) reports, “Treating young people who suffer from insomnia by using online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) could reduce debilitating mental health problems such as anxiety and depression,” researchers concluded in a study involving some 3,755 UK university students. The findings were published online Sept. 6 in The Lancet Psychiatry.

According to MedPage Today (9/6, Bachert), the authors of an accompanying comment“noted that internet therapies are an easily available and low-cost option for insomnia which ‘might help reduce the burden of mental ill health and prevent onset of symptoms such as hallucinations and paranoia.’”

Related Links:

— “Treating insomnia can ease depression and paranoia, study finds,” Kate Kelland, Reuters, September 6, 2017.

APA President Describes Most Common Stress-Related Reactions To Disasters

The AP (9/5, Sharon Cohen |, Ap) reports, “Some of the most common stress-related reactions to disasters such as Harvey are anxiety, a change in appetite, insomnia and a sense of uncertainty…according to Dr. Anita Everett, president of the American Psychiatric Association.” Dr. Everett said, “It’s a little bit like a grieving process.” She added, “We sort of expect that there’s going to be waves of worry, waves of anxiety and that’s all within the normal experience.” Still, Dr. Everett “says that those who are struggling three months after a disaster and can’t work or make decisions may want to seek professional help.”

Related Links:

— “Harvey began with raging winds, but its legacy will be water,” Sharon Cohen, Associated Press via Washington Post, September 5, 2017.

Public Health Experts Worry About Long-Term Consequences Of Hurricane Harvey

The New York Times (8/31, Carroll, Frakt, Subscription Publication) reports on the likely long-term health consequences for people living in communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey, particularly its associated floods. Hurricanes and floods are associated with more than just the expected immediate death toll; such disasters frequently lead to an increase in nonlethal injuries, waterborne illnesses, communicable diseases, sanitation problems, and increase in depression rates, chronic heart and respiratory illnesses, and other health issues that lead to a higher mortality rate in flooded areas for month after the waters recede.

The Times concludes, “Everyone is understandably focused on the immediate dangers from flooding. But analysis of previous natural disasters shows that Harvey’s survivors will need attention and care far into the future.”

Related Links:

— “The Long-Term Health Consequences of Hurricane Harvey,” AARON E. CARROLL and AUSTIN FRAKT, New York Times, August 31, 2017.

DACA Eligibility Of Mother Impacts Child’s Mental Health

The Huffington Post (8/31, Pearson) reports a study examining the impact of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on the children of “dreamers” found that children’s mental health improved when their mothers were considered eligible for the program. Prior to DACA, diagnoses for mental illnesses induced or exacerbated by external stressors “were roughly even”; but after DACA, children’s mental health issue rates “dropped from 7.8 percent to 3.3 percent.”

Related Links:

— “DACA Has Profound Mental Health Benefits For Children Of Dreamers,” Catherine Pearson, Huffington Post, August 31, 2017.

Older Chinese-Americans Who Endured Discrimination More Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts

The Huffington Post (8/31, Yam) reports older Chinese-Americans impacted by “prejudice and racial bias” were twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts compared to those who did not experience discrimination, according to a study published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Most respondents said they suffered discrimination in public spaces, and many said they also faced it in work environments.

Related Links:

— “Older Chinese-Americans Who’ve Faced Bias Are More Likely To Have Suicidal Thoughts,” Kimberly Yam, Huffington Post, August 31, 2017.

Harvey May Cause Some Victims Of Previous Flooding Disasters To Experience Symptoms Of PTSD

USA Today (8/26, O’Donnell) reported on the mental health impacts Hurricane Harvey may have on those “who survived Hurricane Katrina 12 years ago or last August’s flood in Louisiana,” even if these survivors are not in the path of Harvey. In some cases, people may be “more likely to experience symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Related Links:

— “Harvey can be hazardous to your mental health, even if you aren’t in path of the storm,” Jayne O’Donnell, USA Today, August 26, 2017.

Sibling Survivors Of Suicide Often Don’t Receive Mental Health Treatment

The NPR (8/25, Weinstock) “Shots” blog reported that sibling survivors of suicide have been “overlooked in medical research” until recently, but, “according to several studies of survivors, those who lose a sibling to suicide, especially one of the same sex or close in age, have more serious mood disorders and thoughts of suicide themselves than survivors who lose a sibling for any other reason.” A recent survey of 3,432 bereaved young adults in the UK between 18 and 40 who lost a friend or relative by suicide found that 20 percent did not receive mental health support. The report was published online Aug. 27 in the BMJ.

Related Links:

— “Sibling Survivors Of Suicide Often Don’t Receive Mental Health Treatment, Study Finds.,” CHERYL PLATZMAN WEINSTOCK, NPR, August 25, 2017.

Sleep-Disordered Breathing May Be Associated With Higher Odds Of Developing Cognitive Impairment

Reuters (8/28, Rapaport) reports, “Data obtained from 14 previously published studies with a total of more than 4.2 million men and women showed that people with sleep-disordered breathing had 26 percent higher odds of developing cognitive impairment,” researchers found. The review’s findings were published online Aug. 28 in JAMA Neurology. Healio (8/28, Miller) also covers the study.

Related Links:

— “Nighttime breathing problems tied to cognitive decline,” Lisa Rapaport, Reuters, August 28, 2017.

Patients With Psoriasis May Be Twice As Likely To Consider Suicide Than The General Population

Healio (8/28, Volansky) reports that “patients with psoriasis were twice as likely to consider suicide than the general population,” researchers found. What’s more, the 18-study review revealed that “psoriasis was significantly associated with both attempted and completed suicide.” The findings were published in the September issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Related Links:

— “Suicide 20% more likely among patients with psoriasis,” Singh S, et al., Healio, August 28, 2017.