U.S. pharmacies struggling to get prescriptions to patients following UnitedHealth unit cyberattack

CNN (2/22, Goldman ) reports, “Pharmacies across the United States are reporting that they are having difficulty getting prescriptions to patients because of a cyberattack on a unit of UnitedHealth.” On Thursday, “the company said in a regulatory filing…its Change Healthcare business, which processes prescriptions to insurance for tens of thousands of pharmacies nationwide, was compromised by hackers who gained access to some of its systems.” The company found out about “the cyberattack Wednesday, and, in a separate statement, said it expected the attack to last at least throughout the day Thursday.” The cyberattack blocked “some pharmacies from processing prescriptions to insurance companies to receive payment.”

The Wall Street Journal reports the American Hospital Association called on medical facilities to disconnect from Optum following the cyberattack. Change Healthcare offers prescription processing services through Optum.

Related Links:

— “Pharmacies across America are having trouble processing some prescriptions because of a cyberattack,” David Goldman , CNN, February 22, 2024

Menthol cigarette bans are effective at getting people to quit smoking

CNN (2/21, Christensen ) reports that research published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research found that “menthol cigarette bans are effective at getting people to quit smoking.” Investigators looked at data from “studies on tobacco use that were published through November 2022.” CNN adds, “The pooled results show that about a quarter of menthol smokers quit within a year or two when the substance is banned from cigarettes.” The researchers “found that of the menthol smokers who did not quit after bans were put into place, about half switched to non-menthol cigarettes, 12% switched to other flavored tobacco products, and another quarter found a way to continue smoking menthols.”

Related Links:

— “A quarter of smokers quit within a year or two of menthol bans, researchers find,”Jen Christensen, CNN, February 21, 2024

Nearly Half Of US Adults Personally Know One Person Who Died From Overdose, Survey Finds

CNN (2/21, Howard ) reports, “Almost half – about 42% – of adults in the United States say they personally know at least one person who died from a drug overdose, according to survey findings.” The survey “found that among adults who reported knowing someone who died by overdose, the average number of lives lost whom they knew was two – which illustrates the ‘far-reaching consequences’ of the nation’s overdose crisis.” When asked “how many people throughout their lives they knew personally who died by overdose,” roughly “58% of survey respondents said zero, 19% said one person, and another 19% said about two to five people.” About “4% said at least six people.” The findings were published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Related Links:

— “About 42% of US adults know someone who died by overdose, new survey finds,”Jacqueline Howard, CNN, February 21, 2024

About 20% Of People Who Attempt Suicide Do Not Meet Criteria For Psychiatric Disorder, Study Finds

MedPage Today (2/21, DePeau-Wilson ) reports, “Approximately 20% of people who attempted suicide did not meet criteria for a psychiatric disorder, challenging clinical consensus on who is at risk for suicidal behavior, according to a cross-sectional study.” Using data from almost “1,950 respondents to a nationally representative survey, 6.2% had no apparent lifetime psychiatric diagnoses when surveyed, and 13.4% made their first suicide attempt prior to psychiatric disorder onset, reported” the researchers. The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Review Finds Maternal Mental Illness Leading Cause Of Pregnancy-Related Deaths In US, Says National Initiatives Often Fail To Prioritize Mental Health

CNN (2/21, Cheng) reports, “Maternal mental illness is the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the US, according to a new evidence review, but national initiatives developed to combat the issue often fail to prioritize mental health.” The “maternal mortality rate in the US is two- to threefold greater than in other high-income countries, and it has only increased in recent years, according to the review.” The research, published in JAMA Psychiatry, “examined 30 recent studies and 15 historical references to highlight the underrecognized contribution of mental illness to maternal mortality.”

Related Links:

— “Maternal mental health conditions drive climbing death rate in US, research says,”Mira Cheng, CNN, February 21, 2024

Mortality rate twice as high for renters who faced eviction during the pandemic

CNN (2/20, McPhillips ) reports, “The mortality rate among renters who faced eviction was twice as high as expected during the first two years of the pandemic, according to a study published on Tuesday in JAMA” that focused “on eviction filing trends in 36 court systems that cover about 400 counties.” Also, the general population “experienced excess mortality during this time, but the risk started higher for renters and rose exponentially for those threatened with eviction.” CNN adds, “From January 2020 through August 2021, the risk of death for renters facing eviction was 2.6 times greater than it was in the general population, the study found.”

Related Links:

— “Mortality surged for renters facing eviction during the pandemic, study finds,” Deidre McPhillips, CNN, February 20, 2024

Crisis Response Planning Lowers Suicide Risk For PTSD Among Military Veterans, Study Suggests

HCPlive (2/20, Derman) reports, “Crisis response planning reduces the suicide risk for PTSD among US military veterans, according to a new study.” In the study, “participants receiving crisis response planning had significantly greater and quicker reductions in the severity of suicidal ideation.” The findingswere published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

Related Links:

— “Crisis Response Planning Can Reduce Suicide Risk for PTSD Among Veterans,”Chelsie Derman, HCPlive, February 20, 2024

Immigration Debate Stressing Out Hispanics In US, Research Finds

HealthDay (2/20, Foster ) reports, “Immigration has become a contentious topic in America, but new research shows the heated debate on the issue may be stressing out Hispanics across the country, whether they are citizens or not.” Researchers analyzed data from 2011 to 2018 and “discovered that, over time, there has” been “an increase in psychological distress among all Hispanics as U.S. immigration policies came under fire.” The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Related Links:

— “Political Changes Are Stressing Hispanic Americans: Study,”Robin Foster, HealthDay, February 20, 2024

Experts Say Anorexia Can Be Serious For Boys, Men

HealthDay (2/20, Mundell ) reports, “Anorexia isn’t solely a disease that strikes women and girls, Canadian experts say, so they want to raise awareness that the illness can also be serious for boys and men.” Roughly “0.3% of males will receive a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, with some types of boys and men at higher risk.” These types include “gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people,” the researchers “said, as well as guys ‘involved in body- and strength-focused sports like cycling, running and wrestling.’” The experts’ article was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Related Links:

— “Anorexia Can Hit Boys and Men, Too,”Ernie Mundell, HealthDay, February 20, 2024

Buprenorphine Easier To Access In Predominantly White Neighborhoods, Research Suggests

HealthDay (2/20, Mundell ) reports, “Americans addicted to opioids who need the anti-addiction med buprenorphine are far more likely to find it if they live in a predominantly white neighborhood, new research finds.” The study found that “compared to largely white urban areas, the most ethnically/racially diverse urban zip codes were between 45% to 55% less likely to have prescribers able to provide buprenorphine.” Meanwhile, “that gap rose to between 62% to 79% for rural parts of the United States.” The findings were published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine.

Related Links:

— “It’s Tougher for Non-White Americans to Get Opioid Addiction Drug,”Ernie Mundell, HealthDay, February 20, 2024