FDA Considering Ban On Electric Shocks To Change Harmful Behaviors In People With Developmental Disabilities

The CBS Evening News (8/5, story 7, 5:55, Pelley) reported, “Tonight, we have a CBS News investigation into the use of electric shocks to change harmful behaviors in children and adults with developmental disabilities, including autism.” The FDA is now “considering a ban” on the practice which is currently used only at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, MA. CBS News correspondent Anna Werner explained that the center insists that “a program of electric shocks, shocks they compared to a bee sting, works better than medication to stop people with severe disabilities from injuring themselves or others.”

The CBS News (8/6, Burkholder) website reports that Jennifer Msumba, who spent seven years at the Rotenberg Center, was “shocked multiple times before she left…in 2009.” In April, “Msumba provided testimony to a US Food and Drug Administration panel” which had convened “to discuss a ban on using electrical stimulation devices to modify aggressive or self-injurious behavior in people with severe emotional problems and developmental disorders.” Msumba described the practice of being shocked as “being underground in Hell.”

Related Links:

— “Controversy over shocking people with autism, behavioral disorders,” Amy Burkholder, CBS News, August 5, 2014.

Hypertension In Middle Age Tied To Late-Life Drop In Mental Ability.

HealthDay (8/5, Reinberg) reports that a study published online Aug. 4 in JAMA Neurology that followed nearly “14,000 people found that high blood pressure in those aged 48 to 67 was tied to a late-life drop in mental ability.” Over two decades, people with midlife hypertension “experienced a modest but significant 6.5 percent decline in scores on tests of mental function, compared with people with normal blood pressure.”

MedPage Today (8/5, Phend) reports that an accompanying editorial noted that “guidelines do recommend blood pressure lowering for middle-age and younger seniors as useful for prevention of late-life dementia.”

Related Links:

— “High Blood Pressure in Middle Age, Weaker Brain Later?,” Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, August 4, 2014.

Preschoolers May Also Be Affected By Depression

HealthDay (8/5, Dallas) reports that according to a study published July 1 in the American Journal of Psychiatry, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association, preschoolers may also be affected by depression. The study, which involved 246 youngsters ranging in age from three to five, also revealed that “preschoolers who are depressed are two and a half times more likely to continue to experience symptoms in elementary and middle school.”

Related Links:

— “Preschoolers Can Suffer From Depression, Too,” Mary Elizabeth Dallas, HealthDay, August 4, 2014.

Concern Over Truthfulness Of Veterans’ PTSD Claims Grows.

The Los Angeles Times (8/4, A1, Zarembo) reports that “disability awards for PTSD have grown nearly fivefold over the last 13 years,” and with them, “concerns that many veterans might be exaggerating or lying to win benefits” have grown as well. Veterans with PTSD “can receive up to $3,000 a month tax-free, making the disorder the biggest contributor to the growth of a disability system in which payments have more than doubled to $49 billion since 2002.” The Times notes that since “the diagnosis relies mainly on what patients report, it is easy to exaggerate,” adding that on online forums, veterans even trade advice “on how to behave in their disability evaluations.”

Related Links:

— “As disability awards grow, so do concerns with veracity of PTSD claims,” Alan Zerembo, Los Angeles Times, August 3, 2014.

Newspaper: “Crisis” Not Strong Enough To Describe Shortage Of Mental Health Professionals

The Gadsden (AL) Times (8/2) editorialized, “The American Psychiatric Association predicted a shortage of about 22,000 child psychiatrists and 2,900 geriatric psychiatrists by” 2015. Meanwhile, “the US Department of Health and Human Services designated 4,000 Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas in the nation,” including all 67 counties in the state of Alabama.

The Times concluded that “when a shortage of trained professionals numbering in the tens of thousands is expected within a year, and when every county in a state is facing a shortage of services, ‘crisis’ is not a strong enough word.”

Related Links:

— “OUR VIEW: Alabama faces crisis in mental health care,” The Gadsen Times, August 1, 2014.

Depression Not Top Reason For Suicidal Thoughts Among Elderly

The New York Times (8/2, Graham) reported that a study presented to the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry found “older adults contemplating suicide do not cite depression as the primary reason.” Rather, more often reasons for suicidal ideation included “struggles with illness, disability, financial concerns, family difficulties and bereavement.” The conclusions suggest “treatment of depression alone may not be sufficient to reduce suicide rates among the elderly.”

Related Links:

— “Many Problems Lead to Thoughts of Suicide, Study Finds,” Judith Graham, New York Times, August 1, 2014.

Mental Health Professionals Face Higher Assault Risk

The AP (8/4, Rubinkam) reports on “the hazards mental health professionals face on the job.” Mental health professionals “are at far greater risk of assault than workers as a whole, an occupational hazard at the best of times and one that’s been made worse by a persistent lack of funding for mental health services, the loss of thousands of inpatient psychiatric beds and the increasing use of hospitals to temporarily house criminals with mental illness.”

Safety guidelines published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for healthcare workers, including mental health professionals, recommend “metal detectors, enclosed nurses’ stations, multiple exits, furniture bolted to the floor in crisis treatment rooms, curved mirrors at hallway intersections and a variety of other steps.”

Related Links:

— “Hospital Killing Shows Safety Gap in Mental Health,” Michael Rubinkam, Associated Press, August 3, 2014.

Senate Approves Autism CARES Act.

The Hill (8/1, Cox) “Floor Action” blog reports that last night, the Senate approved HR 4631, the Autism CARES Act, a measure reauthorizing “federal support for autism programs.” The bill “requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to designate an official to oversee national autism spectrum disorder…research.” In addition, it “extends autism education programs through 2019.” The bill now goes to President Obama for his signature.

Related Links:

— “Senate passes autism bill,” Ramsey Cox, The Hill, July 31, 2014.

Small Studies: Small Subset Of Kids May Overcome Autism

In a 7,300-word piece to appear this weekend, the New York Times (8/3, MM20, Padawer, Subscription Publication) Sunday Magazine features the stories of three children diagnosed with autism who appear to have overcome the condition. Recently, two studies were released that provide “the best evidence yet that…a small but reliable subset of children really do overcome autism.”

The first study confirmed that 34 people with documented diagnoses of autism “now no longer met autism’s criteria, a trajectory…called ‘optimal outcome.’” Several months ago, another “study that tracked 85 children from their autism diagnosis (at age two) for nearly two decades…found that about nine percent of them no longer met the criteria for the disorder.”

Related Links:

— “The Kids Who Beat Autism,” Ruth Padawer, New York Times, July 31, 2014.

George Washington Bridge To Get Safety Fence Designed To Prevent Suicides

BBC News (7/31) reports that the George Washington Bridge, which spans the Hudson River between New Jersey and New York, “will be getting a safety fence designed to prevent suicides, after an increase in deaths this year.” The new fence, which is estimated to cost up to $47 million, will be nine feet tall and will be put up on both sides of the bridge. The project is expected to be completed in 2022. The move to install a fence to prevent suicides “comes a month after officials at the Golden Gate Bridge in California voted to install suicide-prevention nets along the bridge.”

Related Links:

— “George Washington Bridge to get suicide prevention fence,” BBC News, July 30, 2014.