Mental Disorders Tied To Reduced Life Expectancy

The NPR (5/23, Singh) “Shots” blog reported that according to a study online published May 23 in the journal World Psychiatry, “mental disorders can reduce life expectancy by 10 to 20 years, as much as or even more than smoking over 20 cigarettes a day.” Researchers arrived at that conclusion after examining “data on 1.7 million patients, drawing from 20 recent scientific reviews and studies from mostly wealthy countries.”

HealthDay (5/24, Preidt) reported that “the average life expectancy was 10 to 20 years shorter than normal for people with schizophrenia, 9 to 20 years shorter for those with bipolar disorder, 7 to 11 years shorter for those with recurrent depression, and 9 to 24 years shorter for people with drug and alcohol abuse.” In comparison, “heavy smoking shortens life by an average of 8 to 10 years, the study authors noted.”

Related Links:

— “Mental Illness Can Shorten Lives More Than Chain-Smoking,” Maanvi Singh, National Public Radio, May 23, 2014.

Military Recruit Mental Health Screening Measure Passes House

The Stars And Stripes (DC) (5/23, Tritten) reports that military recruit “mental health screening…passed the House on Thursday as part of the massive 2015 defense budget.” The measure, “sponsored by Rep. Glenn Thompson, R-Pa., orders the National Institutes of Health to create a universal mental health evaluation for potential recruits that would catch past suicide attempts and psychiatric disorders.”

The screening “data could be used by the services to weed out candidates with potentially dangerous mental health issues.”

A similar proposal has also been introduced in the Senate.

Related Links:

— “House passes new mental health screening for recruits,” Travis J. Tritten, Stars and Stripes, May 22, 2014.

Murphy’s Mental-Health Reform Measure Losing Support Among Some Democrats.

The Hill (5/22, Viebeck) reports that a mental-health reform measure introduced by psychologist Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) has lost “support among some Democrats, raising questions about the bill’s prospects.” In the past week, Reps. William Lacy Clay (D-MO), Gwen Moore (D-WI) and Marc Veasey (D-TX) “withdrew their co-sponsorships,” and Del. Donna Christensen (D-VI) “pulled away on April 2.” Meanwhile, on May 6, Rep. Ron Barber (D-AZ), backed by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), introduced a different mental-health reform bill.

Related Links:

— “GOP mental health bill loses Dem co-sponsors,” Elise Viebeck, The Hill, May 21, 2014.

Maternal Depression May Be More Common At Four Years Postpartum

Medscape (5/22) reports that according to a study published online May 21 in BJOG, “maternal depression is more common at four years postpartum than at any time during the first 12 months, especially among women who do not have another child during that four years.” The study of more than 1,500 women revealed that “women with one child at the four-year follow-up reported approximately double the prevalence of depressive symptoms at every time compared with women with two or more children.”

Related Links:

Medscape (requires login and subscription)

Unexpected Loss Of Loved One May Trigger Range Of Psychiatric Disorders.

Medwire (5/22, McDermid) reports that according to a study published online May 16 in the American Journal of Psychiatry, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association, “the unexpected loss of a loved one can trigger a range of psychiatric disorders, including mania, in patients with no history of mental illness.”

After analyzing data on 27,534 people, researchers found that “the unexpected death of a loved one roughly doubled the risk for new-onset mania in people aged 30 years or older, after accounting for factors including previous psychiatric diagnoses.”

The study also revealed that “for some age groups (50–54 years and ≥70 years) the risk increase was more than fivefold.”

Related Links:

— “Unexpected death may trigger mania in loved ones,” Eleanor McDermid, Medwire News, May 22, 2014.

Increasing Role Of Technology In Medicine Examined

Under the headline “Patients Lose When Doctors Can’t Do Good Physical Exams,” Kaiser Health News (5/21, Boodman) offers an 1,800-word examination of an “increasingly commonplace” phenomenon “as medicine becomes more technology-driven: the waning ability of doctors to use a physical exam to make an accurate diagnosis.” The piece explains that crucial information that can be gleaned from simple observation has been largely “supplanted by a dizzying array of sophisticated, expensive tests.”

Related Links:

— “Patients Lose When Doctors Can’t Do Good Physical Exams,” Sandra G. Boodman, Kaiser Health News, May 20, 2014.

Three Ex-Senators Working Together To Promote Tele-Medicine.

The New York Times (5/21, Hulse, Subscription Publication) reports that three ex-Senators, Republican Trent Lott and Democrats Tom Daschle and John B. Breaux, are working together “to push an expansion of tele-medicine as a way to improve health care access and cut costs.” On behalf of the Alliance for Connected Care, “a nonprofit collection of health care” professionals, “insurers, pharmacies, technology firms and telecommunications companies,” the three men are pursuing “legislative and regulatory changes to let more Americans essentially get much of their health care remotely.”

Related Links:

— “Ex-Senators on Both Sides of Aisle Join Forces on Health Care,” Carl Hulse, New York Times, May 20, 2014.

Study Finds Parental Divorce May Increase Risk Of Suicide

The Huffington Post (5/20, Hillin) reports on research by Dr. Dana Alonzo, associate professor at Columbia University, published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry finding that “the mental health effects of divorce may linger on well into adulthood, putting children of divorce at greater risk of suicide.” The study was based on US Bureau of the Census interviews with 49,093 people who were “asked questions regarding the marital status and the alcohol patterns of their parents; they were then analyzed for depression.”

The study found that “parental divorce increased the likelihood of suicide attempt by 14 percent.” The study was supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Related Links:

— “Adult Children Of Divorce Show Greater Risk For Suicide: Study,” Taryn Hillin, Huffington Post, May 20, 2014.

Job-Training Programs May Help Adults With Autism

The Wall Street Journal (5/20, Wang, Subscription Publication) reports that according to some preliminary research, job-training programs for individuals with an autism-spectrum disorder may improve interview skills and boost self-confidence. The piece cites a study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Related Links:

— “Adults With Autism Find New Source for Job Interview Advice,” Shirley S. Wang, Wall Street Journal, May 19, 2014.

Review: ICU Patients At Increased Risk For PTSD

HealthDay (5/20, Dallas) reports that according to the results of a review presented at the American Thoracic Society’s annual meeting, “after being discharged from an intensive care unit (ICU), patients are at much greater risk for developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).” Researchers arrived at that conclusion after analyzing data from 28 studies involving “3,428 adults who survived an ICU stay. Of these, 429 were evaluated for symptoms of PTSD one to six months after they were discharged.”

Related Links:

— “ICU Patients at Much Greater Risk for PTSD: Study,” Mary Elizabeth Dallas, HealthDay, May 19, 2014.