Certain Anti-Seizure Meds In Pregnancy May Be Safer For Unborn Children.

The MedPage Today (1/10, Gever) “Striking a Nerve” blog reports that certain anti-seizure medications are safer for the developing fetus during pregnancy than others, “with valproate probably the biggest no-no,” as evidenced by a studypublished online in the journal Neurology that compared language and cognitive development of youngsters born to mothers with epilepsy who took valproate, levetiracetam, or no anti-seizure medication at all during pregnancy. Kids whose moms took valproate during pregnancy had an increased risk for such problems, compared to kids whose moms took levetiracetam or no medication at all. Currently, because there is no set “algorithm for deciding which [medication] is best for a given patient,” the “decision still comes down to the individual clinician’s judgment and the patient’s tolerance for risk to herself and her unborn child.”

Related Links:

— “Striking a Nerve: Epilepsy Drugs in Pregnancy, “John Gever, MedPage Today, January 9, 2014.

ACA, Parity Law Broaden Coverage For Mental Health Disorders, Addiction.

The New York Times (1/10, Carrns, Subscription Publication) “Your Money” column reports that the Affordable Care Act and rules to fully implement the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 are expected to provide improvements and greater availability of “insurance coverage for mental conditions and addictions.” The ACA “includes mental health care and substance abuse treatment among its 10 ‘essential’ benefits, which means plans sold on the public health care exchanges must include coverage.” What’s more, “the parity law says that when health insurance plans provide coverage for mental ailments, it must be comparable to coverage for physical ailments.”

Related Links:

— “Understanding New Rules That Widen Mental Health Coverage, “Ann Carrns , The New York Times, January 9, 2014.

VA Says Young Veterans’ Suicide Rate Much Higher Than Active Duty Soldiers, Civilians.

In a front-page story, USA Today (1/10, A1, Zoroya) reports that according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, “young veterans just out of the service and receiving health care from the government committed suicide at nearly three times the rate of active-duty troops in recent years.” According to USA Today, “Veterans ages 18-24 enrolled in the VA’s health program killed themselves at a rate of 46 per 100,000 in 2009 and nearly 80 per 100,000 in 2011,” while “non-veterans of the same age had a suicide rate during 2009 and 2010…of about 20 per 100,000.”

Related Links:

— “Young vets’ suicide rate alarming, ” Gregg Zoroya, USA Today, January 9, 2014.

Medicaid Expansion Under ACA May Increase Poor Patients’ Access To Mental Health Treatment.

The Chicago Tribune (1/9, Graham) reports that Medicaid expansion under the auspices of the Affordable Care Act may provide additional opportunities for “poor people struggling with mental illnesses.” However, the expansion in coverage causes concerns among some analysts that some people may still have difficulty accessing mental health professionals, whom the Tribune notes are often in short supply in disadvantaged areas.

Related Links:

— “Doors to treatment opening for poor people struggling with mental illnesses, “Judith Graham, The Chicago Tribune, January 9, 2014.

CDC: Physicians Not Asking Enough About Alcohol Use.

One major television network, several major US newspapers, and numerous online media sources cover a Vital Signs report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday showing that many Americans are drinking too much alcohol, even though they are not alcoholics, and that many of these individuals have never discussed their alcohol use with their physicians.

NBC Nightly News (1/7, story 8, 1:50, Williams) reported that the CDC has released a new report revealing that “many millions of Americans drink too much,” a problem rarely discussed with their physicians. NBC News chief medical Editor Nancy Snyderman, MD, explained, “At least 38 million people in the United States drink too much and most are not alcoholics.” Still, 75 percent of binge drinkers claim never to have had a discussion about their alcohol use with their physicians. CDC Director Thomas Frieden, MD, MPH, was shown saying that a brief interview with a physician “can result in a substantial reduction of problem drinking for a long period of time.”

Related Links:

— “January 2014 Vital Signs Issue: Alcohol Screening and Counseling,CDC Vital Signs, January, 2014.

Newer Antidepressants Seem To Carry Same Risk For Suicidality In Kids

HealthDay (1/8, Goodman) reports that according to a study published online Jan. 6 in the journal Pediatrics, “newer antidepressants all seem to carry about the same risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors” in children being treated for depression. After reviewing “medical records of nearly 37,000 school-aged kids who were enrolled in Tennessee’s Medicaid program between 1995 and 2006,” researchers found that approximately “one percent of kids who were treated with newer antidepressants – including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) – attempted suicide.” However, the suicide risk was increased in youngsters who were simultaneously taking multiple antidepressants.

Related Links:

— “Kids’ Suicide Risk Similar for All Newer Antidepressants: Study, “Brenda Goodman, HealthDay, January 7, 2014.

Study: Smoking Rates Among Americans With Mental Illnesses Not Budging.

MedPage Today (1/8, Gever) reports that according to research partly sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health published in the Jan. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, “smoking rates among Americans with mental illnesses didn’t budge from 2004 to 2011, a period during which rates in the rest of the population fell 14%.” In fact, “data from the federal Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) found that, among respondents with mental illnesses, 25.3% reported current smoking in 2004-2005 (95% CI 24.2%-26.3%), versus 24.9% in 2010-2011 (95% CI 23.8%-26.0%, P=0.50) after adjustments for other predictors of smoking such as income and education.” Meanwhile, over that same time frame, “adjusted smoking rates in other MEPS respondents declined from 19.2% (95% CI 18.7%-19.7%) to 16.5% (95% CI 16.0%-17.0%, P<0.001),” the study found. Psychiatric News (1/8) also covers the story. Related Links:

— “Smoking Rates Still High Among the Mentally Ill, “John Gever, MedPage Today, January 7, 2014.

Obama Administration Considers Including Info On Minors’ Mental Illnesses In NICS.

The Washington Times (1/8, Sherfinski) reports that the Obama Administration is considering “weighing whether people deemed mentally ill as minors should be barred from getting guns as adults.” On Jan. 7, the Department of Justice, “which is trying to bolster the national background check system, asked the public to comment on whether information about mental illnesses of minors should be included in the databases.” Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also “published a proposed rule…to try to make it easier to disclose peoples’ identities to the” National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Related Links:

— “Mental illness in youth could prevent gun purchases in adulthood, ” David Sherfinski, The Washington Times, January 7, 2014.

High Praise May Discourage Children With Low Self-Esteem.

The Washington Post (1/7, Joyce) “On Parenting” blog reports that a study appearing in the journal Psychological Science has determined that “heaping praise on a child with low self-esteem only does more damage,” and may cause them to shrink from new challenges. One experiment “found adults gave inflated praise to children with low self-esteem twice as often as they did to more confident children.” Another study found a group of children were more likely to seek out difficult tasks if they had high self-esteem, whereas children with low self-esteem refrained from “taking on bigger challenges” in an effort not to avoid being a disappointment.

Related Links:

— “Stop heaping praise on your kids., “Marvin Joseph, The Washington Post, January 6, 2014.

Teaching Caregivers About Infant Sleeping, Crying Patterns May Improve Maternal Depression Scores.

Medscape (1/7, Laidman) reports that according to a study (1/1) published online Jan. 6 in the journal Pediatrics, “teaching caregivers about normal infant sleeping and crying patterns and providing them with information on infant settling techniques improved maternal depression scores.” The study involved 770 families of 781 babies. The intervention began about a month after birth, when some of the families were “given a booklet and a DVD that covered normal sleep and crying patterns, techniques for settling infants, information on possible medical causes of crying, and parent self-care advice.” The information was reinforced twice more at the eight-week and 13-week marks. Notably, at “six months, caregivers in the intervention group were less likely to score higher than 9 on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, with 7.9% scoring higher than 9 in the intervention group vs 12.9% in the control cohort (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.57; 95% CI, 0.34 – 0.94; P = .03).”