Mothers Living In States With Generous Mandated Paid Family And Medical Leave Less Likely To Experience Postpartum Depression, Study Finds

HealthDay (11/16, Thompson) reports, “New mothers living in states with generous mandated paid family and medical leave are less likely to experience postpartum depression, a…study indicates.” In the study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers found “women living in the eight states with the most generous paid family leave had a 9% greater chance of breastfeeding at six months postpartum, compared to the 26 states with little to no paid leave.”

Related Links:

— “Paid Family Leave May Lower Odds for Postpartum Depression,”Dennis Thompson, HealthDay, November 16, 2023

Study Suggests Prenatal Anxiety, Depression Associated With Greater Risk Of Mental Health Symptoms In Children, Independent Of Genetic Risk

Psychiatric News (11/16) reports “anxiety and depression among pregnant mothers” were “associated with a greater risk of internalizing and externalizing symptoms among their children even after controlling for the child’s genetic risk for mental” illnesses, “according to a study.” The researchers “found that prenatal maternal depression and anxiety was associated with the child’s internalizing, externalizing, and total emotional symptoms across all ages tested.” The findings were published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Prenatal Anxiety, Depression Associated With MH Symptoms in Children, Independent of Genetic Risk, Psychiatric News, November 16, 2023

More Veterans Died By Suicide In 2021 Than In 2020, Data Show

NBC News (11/16, Chan) reports “more veterans died by suicide in 2021, the first full year of the pandemic, than the year before, according to new data released Thursday by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.” Roughly “6,390 former service members took their lives in 2021, which is” about “110 more than in 2020, the VA’s latest annual suicide prevention report [PDF] found.” Meanwhile, “the suicide rate among female veterans grew by about 24%, compared to roughly 6% among male veterans, the report said.”

Related Links:

— “Veterans suicides increased in 2021, new VA data shows,”Melissa Chan, NBC News , November 16, 2023

WHO Launches New Commission On Social Connection To Focus On Addressing Loneliness Epidemic

CNN (11/15, Christensen) reports, “The World Health Organization is making loneliness a global health priority, it said Wednesday, launching a new Commission on Social Connection.” Over “the next three years, the commission will focus on ways to address the ‘pressing health threat’ of a global epidemic of loneliness, reviewing the latest science and designing strategies to help people deepen their social connections.” The committee will be “co-chaired by African Union Youth Envoy Chido Mpemba and US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, who has written and spoken extensively about the risks of social isolation and has made the issue one of his top concerns while in office.”

Related Links:

— “WHO makes loneliness a global health priority with new Commission on Social Connection,”Jen Christensen, CNN, November 15, 2023

CDC Data Show Older Men Most Susceptible To Suicide

HealthDay (11/15, Foster) says, “As U.S. suicide rates continue to rise, new government data shows older men have become the most susceptible.” A CDC report “found there were about 30 suicide deaths for every 100,000 men aged 55 and older in 2021. That number is more than double the overall rate of just over 14 suicide deaths for every 100,000 people that year.”

Related Links:

— “As Suicide Rates Climb, Older Men Are Most Vulnerable,”Robin Foster, Healthday, November 15, 2023

PPI Usage Is Associated With Elevated Risk For Dementia Before Age 90, Research Finds

Neurology Advisor (11/14, Khaja) reports that research indicates that “proton pump inhibitors…usage is associated with an elevated risk for dementia before age 90, regardless of when treatment started based on diagnosis,” and the “risk is escalated with prolonged use of PPIs.” The findings were published in Alzheimer’s Dementia.

Related Links:

— “Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Tied to Elevated Dementia Risk Before Age 90,”Hibah Khaja, Neurology Advisor , November 14, 2023

Patients With Atopic Dermatitis Have Increased Likelihood Of Developing Anxiety And Depression, Researchers Say

Healio (11/14, Kellner) reports, “Patients with atopic dermatitis have an increased likelihood of developing anxiety and depression, according to a poster presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annual Scientific Meeting.” In a study, among “respondents seeing an allergist as their primary eczema [clinician], 90.3%…reported experiencing at least 1 day of poor mental health per month. More specifically, 72.6% reported poor mental health symptoms for 1 to 10 days per month, whereas 17.7% reported poor mental health symptoms 11 days or more.”

Related Links:

— “Poor mental health found to be common comorbidity with atopic dermatitis,”Sara Kellner, Healio, November 14, 2023

Suicide Rate In US Spiked In 2021, Report Says

CNN (11/15, McPhillips) reports, “The suicide rate in the United States spiked in 2021, reversing two years of decline, and rates among older men were especially high, a new report says.” The report from the CDC indicates that there were approximately “30 suicide deaths for every 100,000 men ages 55 and older in 2021…more than double the overall age-adjusted rate of about 14 suicide deaths for every 100,000 people that year.” The data indicated that “men 85 and older were the most at risk, with nearly 56 suicide deaths for every 100,000 people in that group, higher than any other age group.”

Related Links:

— “Suicide rates in the US are highest among elderly men, and most involve guns, CDC report says,”Deidre McPhillips, CNN, November 15, 2023

People With Parkinson’s Disease Had Higher Risk Of Suicide Attempt Or Death By Suicide, Meta-Analysis Shows

MedPage Today (11/13, George) reports, “People with Parkinson’s disease had twice the average risk of a suicide attempt or death by suicide, a meta-analysis showed.” Investigators found that “across 10 studies, the odds of suicidal behavior were 2.15-fold higher” among patients with Parkinson’s “compared with general population controls.” The findings were published in JAMA Neurology.

Related Links:

MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)

Census Bureau Data Show More Americans Are Saying They Have Serious Cognitive Issues Than At Any Time In The Last 15 Years

The New York Times (11/13, Paris) reports, “There are more Americans who say they have serious cognitive problems – with remembering, concentrating or making decisions – than at any time in the last 15 years, data from the Census Bureau shows.” Since the pandemic, “the number of working-age adults reporting ‘serious difficulty’ thinking has climbed by an estimated one million people.” This “sharp increase captures the effects of long Covid for a small but significant portion of younger adults, researchers say, most likely in addition to other effects of the pandemic, including psychological distress.” But experts “also say it’s not yet possible to fully dissect all the reasons behind the increase.”

Related Links:

— “The New York Times (requires login and subscription)