Study: Most Suicidal Teens May Have Received Some Mental Health Treatment.

The New York Times (1/9, A11, Carey, Subscription Publication) reports, “Most adolescents who plan or attempt suicide have already received at least some mental health treatment, raising questions about the effectiveness of current approaches to helping troubled youths, according to the largest in-depth analysis to date of suicidal behaviors in American teenagers.” In the study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, researchers “found that 55 percent of suicidal teenagers had received some therapy before they thought about suicide, planned it or tried to kill themselves, contradicting the widely held belief that suicide is due in part to a lack of access to treatment.” The study’s findings were “based on interviews with a nationwide sample of more than 6,000 teenagers and at least one parent of each.”

Bloomberg News (1/9, Lopatto) reports, “Of all the mental disorders, only major depression and dysthymia, a type of chronic depression, predicted a suicide plan. Those two illnesses, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, eating disorders and intermittent explosive disorder also suggested a higher risk of suicide attempts,” the study found.

Related Links:

— “Study Questions Effectiveness of Therapy for Suicidal Teenagers, “Benedict Carey, Teh New York Times, January 8, 2013.

US Universities See Influx Of Students With Mental Health Needs.

In collaboration with NPR, Kaiser Health News (1/8, Gold) reports, “Over the past decade, colleges and universities across the country have seen an influx of students…with mental health needs.” In fact, “the average college counseling center sees about 10 percent of the student body each year.” For that reason, “some campuses are exploring new systems to help meet the growing demand.” The article explains how the University of Virginia’s counseling center employs a triage system so as many students can be seen as possible, considering the fact that UVA’s center has only 12 therapists who work full time.

Related Links:

— “Triage System Helps Colleges Treat Mentally Ill Students, “Jenny Gold, Kaiser Health News, January 7, 2013.

Small Study: Former NFL Players Suffer More Depression Than Ordinary People.

Bloomberg News (1/8, Lopatto, Cortez) reports, “Former National Football League players suffer more depression than ordinary people, according to research that may explain recent suicides in the group,” according to a study published online Jan. 7 in JAMA Neurology. In the “study of 34 retired NFL players, about 25 percent suffered with clinical depression, higher than the 15 percent seen in the general population.”

On its website, CBS News (1/8, Jaslow) reports that the study “adds to the evidence that repeated head blows absorbed during a football career could lead to changes in the brain that affect the athletes’ behavior.” Both “neurological and neuropsychological tests,” along with 26 detailed brain scans taken of study participants, revealed that “players were more likely to report cognitive impairment and depression and show physical brain changes on an MRI scan, compared to healthy individuals.”

The CNN (1/7, Smith) “The Chart” blog explains that “it was problems with white matter among players that caught study authors’ interest.” That is because “White matter is brain tissue that acts as a sort of conveyor belt for signals traveling to different brain regions. When white matter is damaged — think about that conveyor belt veering off-course or stopping altogether — problems crop up with cognition, or thinking ability.”

According to MedPage Today (1/8, Walsh), “Disrupted white matter integrity appears to represent a potentially important biomarker for neurobehavioral impairment,” the study authors concluded. An editorial accompanying the study “called for more epidemiologic data on the incidence on chronic traumatic encephalopathy and risk factors.” The editorialists wrote, “Because the symptoms of CTE, such as irritability, depression, and cognitive problems, are protean and nonspecific, biomarkers and neuroimaging to complement the clinical examination will likely be essential and will improve the accuracy of the diagnosis during the lifetime of the individual and will be used to follow the natural history of the illness.”

HealthDay (1/8, Storrs) points out, “The current study did not find a relationship between the number of concussions that a player experienced and whether they went on to develop a cognitive impairment.”

WebMD (1/8, Doheny) notes, “The study was supported by the Brain Health Institute for Athletes and a grant from the National Institute on Aging.” Reuters (1/8, Pittman) also covers the story.

Related Links:

— “NFL Brain Injuries Make Depression More Likely, Study Suggests, “Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg, January 8, 2013.

APA Responds To Criticism Of Pharma Industry Bias In DSM-5.

Medscape (1/5, Brauser) reported, “The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has fired back a strong response to a recent article by the Washington Post questioning the possibility of pharmaceutical industry influence on decisions regarding the upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).” David Kupfer, MD, chair of the DSM-5 Task Force, said in a news release(pdf), “While speculation is bound to occur, we think it is important to stay focused on the fact that APA has gone to great lengths to ensure that DSM-5 and APA’s clinical practice guidelines are free from bias.” Dr. Kupfer “noted that no DSM-5 task force or work group member is allowed to have more than $10,000 of his or her annual income to be derived from industry sources, nor are members allowed to hold stock or shares valued at more than $50,000 in a pharmaceutical or device company.”

Depressive Symptoms Associated With Poorer Outcomes In Heart Patients.

MedPage Today (1/5, Neale) reported, “A few modifiable behaviors appear to explain the relationship between depressive symptoms and poorer outcomes in patients in with coronary heart disease,” according to a 4,676-participant study published online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Investigators found, “as seen in previous studies,” that “patients with elevated depressive symptoms had a higher risk of MI or all-cause death through about four years of follow-up, after accounting for demographics, education, income, and body mass index (HR 1.41, 95% CI 1.15 to 1.72).” But, “further adjustment for comorbidities, medications, and four behavioral variables — smoking, physical inactivity, medication non-adherence, and alcohol use — rendered the association nonsignificant (HR 1.14, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.40), suggesting that some of those factors mediated the relationship.”

Related Links:

— “Depressed Heart Patients Have Worse Outcomes, “Todd Neale, Medpage Today, January 4, 2013.

Diabetes Associated With Increased Risk For Depression.

Medwire (1/5, Robertson) reported, “Diabetes is associated with a significantly increased risk for depressive symptoms,” according to a meta-analysis published online Dec. 26 in the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. “The findings come from an analysis of 16 longitudinal observational studies that included 497,223 individuals who were followed up for a mean of 5.8 years for incidence of depression associated with diabetes.” The researchers found, “after combining the results of all the studies, and after adjustment for a number of confounders, diabetes was associated with a significantly increased risk for incident depression, at a hazard ratio of 1.25.”

Related Links:

— “Diabetes as a risk factor for depression, “Sally Robertson, Medwire News, January 4, 2013.

Expectant Dads’ Mental Health Problems Associated With Kids’ Behavioral Problems.

USA Today (1/4, Healy) reports, “Mental health problems of expectant fathers have found to be associated with emotional and behavioral problems in their kids as toddlers,” according to a study published online in the journal Pediatrics.

MedPage Today (1/7, Petrochko) reports that the study of 31,663 children “found paternal psychological distress was associated with a small but positive risk of a child developing behavioral difficulties (P=0.02), emotional difficulties (P<0.001), and impaired social functioning at age 36 months (P=0.007)," researchers reported. "Higher levels of emotional distress in expectant fathers were associated with higher levels of emotional and behavioral problems in children," the study found. Among the organizations supporting the study were the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Related Links:

— “Expectant dads’ mental health linked to kids’ behavior, “Michelle Healy, USA Today, January 7, 2013.

Study: Married Women More Likely To Have Pleasant Pregnancy.

HealthDay (1/4, Preidt) reports that, according to the 2006-2007 Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey published in the December issue of the American Journal of Public Health, “Compared with unmarried women, married women are less likely to experience domestic abuse, substance abuse or postpartum depression around the time of pregnancy.” The 6,400-woman study found that while “10 percent of married women experienced at least one of the problems…the rates were 20 percent for women who lived with a partner but were not married, 35 percent for single women who had never married, and 67 percent for women who became separated or divorced in the year before they gave birth.” The survey found that the longer a woman and her partner cohabitated, the less likely these problems became.

Related Links:

— “Married Women More Likely to Have Positive Pregnancies: Study,”Robert Preidt, HealthDay, January 3, 2013.

Legislators Call For Implementation Of Mental Health Parity Law.

CQ (1/4, Ethridge, Subscription Publication) reports that yesterday, “a group of House Democrats called on three Cabinet secretaries…to release a delayed final rule to provide equal insurance coverage for mental health services.” Thirty-two “Democrats, led by Ted Deutch of Florida and Tim Ryan of Ohio, said that last month’s deadly shootings at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school bring ‘newfound urgency’ to ensuring access to mental health care.” For that reason, “they requested the issuance of final rules set in a 2008 mental health law (PL 110-343 (1/4, Subscription Publication)) that would require insurers to offer mental health benefits coverage comparable to other medical benefits.” In February 2010, only an interim final rule was released.

Subway Fatalities Take Psychological Toll On Train Operators.

On its front page, the New York Times (1/4, A1, Flegenheimer, Subscription Publication) reports on the psychological toll taken on New York City subway train operators when people jump or are pushed in front of their trains, situations which almost always result in fatalities or hideous injury. Official policy is to give train operators three days off following a fatality, but “many workers involved in fatal hits can take months to return if they go on compensated leave while recovering from trauma or other psychological conditions.” Others may choose to transfer to other jobs or even retire rather than come back to their old job. “Howard Rombom, a psychologist based on Long Island who specializes in fatal subway cases, said an initial hurdle for operators was recognizing they were not at fault.” Support groups and desensitization therapy may help alleviate some operator stress.

Related Links:

— “Subway Deaths Haunt Those at Trains’ Controls,”Matt Flegenheimer, The New York Times, January 3, 2013.