Study Suggests Pediatricians Should Be More Aware Of Adopted Families’ Unique Needs.

HealthDay (9/28, Marcus) says that a new report on adoption published online Sept. 24 in the journal Pediatrics “shows that the portrait of adoptive families in the United States is changing and so are the needs of those families, said lead author Dr. Faye Jones, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Louisville.” According to the article, “Jones said the research suggests that families would benefit if their pediatricians were more aware of their unique needs — specialized counseling and emotional support, connections to other adoptive families and tutoring service recommendations, for example.” Additionally, adoption experts suggest that “educating schools and communities would help too.”

Related Links:

— “Families Who Adopt Should Use Extra Health Services, School Support: Experts, “Mary Brophy Marcus, HealthDay, September 27, 2012.

Record High Suicide Rate Prompts Army-Wide Mandatory Prevention Initiative.

The Baltimore Sun (9/27, Cox) reports that yesterday’s mandatory suicide-prevention training that took place at Fort Meade, MD, “was part of an Army-wide initiative undertaken as the military branch is on pace to reach its highest-ever suicide rate. The number of suicides each year has nearly doubled since 2005, from 87 to 165 last year.” In addition, “the number of monthly suicides doubled from June to July — when suicides outpaced combat deaths of active-duty soldiers.” Efforts such as yesterday’s training are part of the Army’s attempts to change its culture so that soldiers who need mental healthcare experience no stigma in asking for it.

Psychiatrist: Many Troops Who Start PTSD Treatment Do Not Complete It. Medscape (9/27, Brauser) details efforts made by the Department of Defense, Congress, and even the President to stem the tide of psychiatric illnesses, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, in active-duty military members. However, “in a presentation at this year’s American Psychiatric Association (APA) annual meeting, Major Gary H. Wynn, MD, research psychiatrist at the Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the Walter Reed Army Institutes of Research…said that between 20% and 50% of soldiers who begin treatment for combat-related PTSD walk away before its completion,” citing “a study published in 2011 in Military Psychology that reported key reasons for this lack of follow-through often include mistrust of mental health clinicians, a belief that these types of problems can work themselves out on their own, and an overall belief that seeking treatment should be a last resort.”

Related Links:

— “Army pauses operations for mandatory suicide prevention training, “Erin Cox, The Baltimore Sun, September 26, 2012.

Study: Many Kids With Autism May Have Interrelated Health Problems.

HealthDay (9/26, Preidt) reports, “Many children with autism have interrelated health problems that can have a significant impact on their home and school lives,” according to a study recently published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. “Researchers looked at nearly 3,000 children with autism and found that nearly one-fourth also had chronic gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and nausea.” The youngsters “with the chronic gastrointestinal problems also had anxiety and so-called ‘atypical sensory responses,’ which are heightened reactions to light, sound or particular textures,” the study found.

Related Links:

— “Many Children With Autism Have Other Health Problems, Study Says, “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, September 25, 2012.

Daily Tantrums In Preschoolers May Be Red Flag For Mental Illness.

The Chicago Tribune (9/26, Mann) reports that according to a study published Aug. 29 in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, “having frequent, out-of-control, out-of-the-blue tantrums can be a red flag for mental illness” in preschool children. After studying 1,500 youngsters ranging in age from three to five, researchers found that fewer than “10 percent of preschoolers have daily tantrums.” The Tribune points out, “The study was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.”

Related Links:

— “Preschoolers’ daily tantrums may signal deeper problems, “Leslie Mann, Chicago Tribune, September 26, 2012.

Review: Clinical Studies Lacking On Use Of Medications For Older Kids With Autism.

HealthDay (9/25, Gordon) reports, “More and more children are growing up with autism, and although many treatments and interventions are now available, clinical studies on the use of medications in teens and young adults are lacking, according to” a review published online Sept. 24 in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers arrived at this conclusion after reviewing “medical literature from 1980 through 2011 to find clinical trials on drugs for people with autism between the ages of 13 and 30 years old. They found eight studies with at least 20 participants.”

Related Links:

— “Research Lacking on Drugs for Older Children With Autism, Study Finds, “Serena Gordon, HealthDay, September 24, 2012.

USPSTF Recommends Screening All Adults For Alcohol Misuse.

Reuters (9/25, Joelving) reports that in new draft recommendations released Monday, the US Preventive Services Task Force said that healthcare professionals should inquire into their patient’s drinking habits. The guidelines were released along with a review of past analyses that suggested counseling could help curb excessive drinking in individuals who are not full-blown alcoholics. Reuters quotes Dr. Daniel Jonas a lead researcher in the review as saying, “The really good interventions incorporate self-help materials, they incorporate an action plan made by the doctor and the patient — they’re not just a prescription.” The review was published online Sept. 25 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

CQ (9/25, Norman, Subscription Publication) reports that in its recommendations, the USPSTF urges that primary care practitioners screen all adults for alcohol misuse. According to the article, “the recommendation covers young adults over 18 and pregnant women but not teens ages 12 to 17, task force officials said.” It notes that “there’s insufficient evidence about whether it’s effective to do screening in that younger age group, said the task force, an independent panel of experts that reviews scientific evidence on health issues.” The task force “said alcohol misuse is a major public health problem and can play a role in many conditions, including liver disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers and depression,” CQ reports.

The New York Times (9/25, A14, Tavernise, Subscription Publication) reports that “after reviewing recent research, the panel concluded that primary care doctors and nurses could help patients cut down on drinking by offering a brief counseling session or a series of sessions.” The Times describes that “doctors would determine whether counseling was needed by asking a simple set of questions about alcohol use during the patient’s primary care visit.” Additionally, the article notes that “the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism considers more than 14 drinks a week excessive for men and more than seven drinks a week excessive for women.”

Related Links:

— “Screen all adults for alcohol misuse: task force, “Frederik Joelving, Reuters, September 24, 2012.

Suicide Attempts Common Among Inpatients With BD.

MedWire (9/25) reports that “the prevalence of attempted suicide is high among inpatients with bipolar disorder (BD), with nearly half of patients having attempted to take their own lives at least once,” according to a study published online Sept. 21 in the journal Bipolar Disorders. “In a study of 206 BD patients (54% women), aged a mean of 42 years, who were admitted to hospital with mania, a mixed episode, or depression between 2002 and 2009, the team found that 45.1% had a lifetime history of suicide attempts.”

Related Links:

— “Suicide attempts common in bipolar disorder inpatients, “Mark Cowen, MedWire News, September 25, 2012.

Researchers: Autism May Have Genetic And Environmental Causes.

On the front of its Personal Journal section, the Wall Street Journal (9/25, D1, Beck, Subscription Publication) reported that according to experts, autism appears to have both genetic and environmental causes. For example, a study of 192 pairs of twins with an autism spectrum disorder revealed that even when one identical twin has autism, the other twin has a 70% chance of also having autism. Among fraternal twins, the likelihood of the second twin being diagnosed with an ASD is about 35%. Both the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange and the Autism Sequencing Consortium are working with DNA samples to identify genes related to autism. Other factors that may contribute to autism are advanced paternal age, being born prematurely, and poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy.

Related Links:

— “Progress in Identifying the Genetic Roots of Autism, “Melinda Beck, The Wall Street Journal, September 24, 2012.

Suicide Prevention Strategy Update Calls For More Screening Of Those At Risk.

American Medical News (9/24, Moyer) reported, “An updated national suicide prevention strategy (pdf) calls on physicians to screen patients at increased risk of taking their own lives and to educate family members about ways to support such individuals.” People at risk for suicide “include those with an illness that impairs their physical functions or causes chronic pain, members of the Armed Forces and veterans.” These “recommendations are part of the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention issued Sept. 10 by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of the Surgeon General and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.”

Related Links:

— “Suicide prevention strategy calls for screening those most at risk, “Christine S. Moyer, American Medical News, September 21, 2012.

Experts Urge Recognition Of Addiction As A Disease.

The Los Angeles Times (9/23, Roan) reported that healthcare experts and scientists “are pushing for broad recognition of addiction as a disease and more medical approaches to therapy,” rather than a reliance on self-help programs and “medication-free” treatments. The government also “has announced the creation of new resources to help guide patients, families and doctors toward science-based addiction treatment.” Gil Kerlikowske, head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and President Obama’s top advisor on drug policy, has sought to reframe addiction, noting it “is not a moral failing on the part of the individual. It’s a chronic disease of the brain that can be treated.” At the National Institute on Drug Abuse, chief Nora Volkow, MD, said there is more emphasis on vaccines for cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and nicotine, that will block the brain’s response to those drugs. The Times provides much more detail on developments in the field.

Related Links:

— “Treatment for addicts is starting to change, “Shari Roan, Los Angeles Times, September 22, 2012.