CDC: Gun, Traffic Deaths Now Equally Common

In a front-page article, the Washington Post (12/19, A1, Ingraham, Johnson) reported that “for the first time on record, Americans are as likely to die by a gunshot as in a traffic accident, according to” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data released this month. According to the Post, deaths involving guns “now outnumber vehicle deaths in 21 states and the District of Columbia.” The Post adds this “trend was driven largely by the sharp drop in the rate of traffic fatalities” and while homicide rates involving guns “have fallen in recent years, [they] have been offset by the rising prevalence of suicides.”

Related Links:

— “How gun deaths became as common as traffic deaths,” Christopher Ingraham and Carolyn Y. Johnson, Washington Post, December 18, 2015.

Posted in In The News.