Certain Factors May Be Associated With Suicide Attempts, Self-Harm In Adolescents

Psychiatric News (3/18) reports, “About 12% of adolescents who had suicidal thoughts or engaged in self-harm at age 16 went on to attempt suicide by age 21, but the risk factors for transition differed from established thinking on the subject,” investigators concluded in “a large, longitudinal study of adolescents” published online March 14 in The Lancet Psychiatry. In “participants with suicidal thoughts at age 16, the following factors strongly predicted a suicide attempt by age 21, all of which were associated with two to three times higher risk of suicide attempt: Nonsuicidal self-harm; cannabis use; other illicit drug use,” and “higher levels of the personality type intellect/openness.”

Related Links:

— “Study Suggests Factors Linked to Teens’ Suicide Attempts, Psychiatric News, March 18, 2019

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